Anonymous ID: 0009a2 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.8103198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3279

>>8102723 He called himself the son of man, yes. Then he was known to be the Father's "beloved son in whom I am well pleased." And still the son of man as well until his departure. You are a skeptic, even hostile. Those things can be overcome if you look long and hard at the totality of the situation. As the beloved, he obviously can assume any form he chooses. He then showed himself in familiar form, and taught for many days. Being briefly unrecognized is a tiny & weak peg to hang the cloak of disbelief upon. Also, it was the flesh that was temporarily dead, not him. Many believe he taught the fallen angels during the 3 days the body was in the tomb, after which he raised it in a burst of light. He taught, "Choose life." Choose life, anon. Accept that you did not create yourself, nor were you the result of evolution from primordial slime. See that you have free will. Apply it as if everything depended on it, because it does. Confess that you have made errors with that free will, as we all have, and ask forgiveness. The road and gate are narrow, and only a minority will find it. Yet it can be done, if one follows the clear rules, deviating neither to the right side or the left. Read his words and marvel, as they did when he spoke at age 12.