Anonymous ID: 0074b9 Feb. 11, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.8102674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2706 >>2883 >>2910 >>3001 >>3026 >>3097 >>3226 >>3296 >>3336

Father charged with running sex cult using daughter’s Sarah Lawrence classmates



A sex-trafficking svengali created a cult a la Nxivm — preying on classmates of his daughter at Sarah Lawrence College, Manhattan authorities said Tuesday.


Lawrence Ray — who once served as best man at former top city cop Bernie Kerik’s wedding — made half a million dollars pimping out one female victim, federal prosecutors said in an indictment.

Ray embarked on his sick scheme in 2010, when he moved into the on-campus pad where his daughter, then a sophomore at the prestigious school, lived with female and male roommates, officials said.


At first, the twisted dad presented himself as a caring “father figure,’’ according to the indictment.


He soon began lecturing the young group “ on his personal philosophy and conducted his ‘therapy’ sessions … during which he learned intimate details about their private lives, vulnerabilities, and mental health struggles with the pretense of helping them,’’ the document said.


Ray — who was convicted in 2001 in a pump-and-dump stock-fraud scheme — then launched what amounted to a 10-year reign of terror on his victims, the feds said.


He allegedly used psychological torture and physical violence to keep them under his thumb and force them to do his bidding.

Anonymous ID: 0074b9 Feb. 11, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8103367   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why choose an investigator from Pennsylvania?

>Biden is from Pennsylvania.


Sort of, but Delaware is his main connection.


Biden was raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and New Castle County, Delaware. He studied at the University of Delaware before receiving his law degree from Syracuse University. He became a lawyer in 1969 and was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970. He was first elected to the U.S. Senate from Delaware in 1972, when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Biden was re-elected six times and was the fourth most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.


Source (yeah, I know crap source, but quick and dirty for basic info):