Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.8102966   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Mr Lavrov grabs the imperial tiger by the tail and announces his main task


Can you imagine the puce colored faces of indignation in the US house of exceptionalism when Mr Lavrov grabbed the imperial tiger by the tail during his 3-country trip to Latin America. His trip may not have been planned this way, but it gave an opportunity for Lavrov to resist the warmongering SOTU address of Mr Trump, where Trump again took aim at Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua with torrid rhetoric of regime change threats and bloviating boasting that the world again has respect for him. There is no respect as we will see from Lavrovā€™s words. Trump in his SOTU also claimed the hemisphere (yet again), and flamboyantly got a standing ovation out of the crowd when he excitedly presented the self-appointed GuaidĆ³ who acted just like the puppet he is. Imagine that, a standing ovation for a fake President from a lawmaking forum that is disengaged from reality, completely divided and in the process of creating yet another regime change, or two, or three.


At that moment, Lavrov changed his diplomatic colors and used his words like a Kalashnikov with no let-up. He Let Rip! Sometimes the greatest diplomatic resistance breakthroughs come during the most mundane and almost unnoticed periods of just that, diplomacy. Lavrov brought a welcome message to Latin America, a message that will reinforce the sovereignty of nations and will give a brisk tailwind to the resistance to empire and imperialism.


First stop, Cuba:


This was muted and only the opening salvo, which then gained true stature in Mexico and reached crescendo in Venezuela. Lavrov spoke against imperialism, for trade, cultural exchange and friendly relations.


The notable take-aways:


ā€œWe can see that US attempts to reformat the Latin American region in line with its geopolitical interests aim to overthrow the ā€œundesirable regimesā€ in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. The archaic Monroe Doctrine serves as the ideological foundation. In the run-up to the presidential election, the White House continues to ratchet up sanctions against those states which preserve their national independence, sovereignty and identity. This openly anti-human policy runs counter to the generally accepted principles of international law, including the UN Charter. ā€œ


ā€œWe are expecting Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez to attend the events in Moscow to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in WWII and the 60th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations. High Cuban delegations have also confirmed that they will be taking part in a number of other events due in the next few months, including the Moscow Conference on International Security, the St Petersburg International Legal Forum, the St Petersburg International Economic Forum and other occasions. Russian delegations, in turn, will participate in the upcoming University 2020 international educational forum in Havana. ā€œ


The final : ā€œRussia and Cuba closely coordinate foreign policies. This coordination is based on adherence to the unshakable principles of international law, including respect for sovereign equality between states and non-intervention in their internal affairs.ā€

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8103000   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3067

Abbas: Palestinian state in Trumpā€™s plan is ā€˜like Swiss cheeseā€™


Danon says Abbas would go to Jerusalem, not New York, if he really wanted to negotiate peace.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas unequivocally rejected the Trump administrationā€™s peace plan in the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

ā€œThis plan should not be considered an international reference for negotiations. It is an Israeli-American preemptive plan to put an end to the question of Palestine,ā€ he argued.

Abbas said of the plan allowing for a demilitarized Palestinian state on 70% of the West Bank: ā€œThis plan violates international legitimacyā€¦ It annuls the legitimacy of Palestinian rights, our right to self-determination, freedom and independence of our own state.ā€

The Palestinian Authority delayed their vote on a UNSC resolution against the US plan, but the meeting continued as scheduled. The delay came amid US pressure to soften the language of the resolution towards the US and Israel. There has been speculation that the delay was a way of pulling the resolution because it lacked the requisite support of nine members for passage, as several countries were expected to abstain. Even if it had passed, the US had been expected to veto the original text put forward last week by UNSC members Tunisia and Indonesia.

In his address, Abbas referred to the part of the plan allowing Israel to annex 30% of the West Bank, saying: ā€œIt legitimized what is illegal, settlements and confiscation of land and annexation of Palestinian land.ā€

The plan is ā€œthe entrenchment of occupation and confiscation of occupying force by military regimeā€¦ strengthening the apartheid regime,ā€ he stated.

Abbas called the map in US President Donald Trumpā€™s plan ā€œlike Swiss cheese,ā€ referring to Israeli enclaves within the Palestinian state and vice-versa.

The PA president also lamented that according to the plan, ā€œJerusalem is no longer under the sovereignty of the state of Palestine,ā€ although it never was and such a state never existed.

ā€œJerusalem is occupied land. Who has the right to give this as a gift to one state or another? We came before you,ā€ Abbas said.

Abbas also held up a series of maps commonly used by anti-Israel groups to claim Israel has stolen land, which falsely claims the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate were a Palestinian state and that Israel is built on land that belonged to the state that did not exist.

As violence against Israelis roiled the West Bank and Jerusalem, Abbas commended those who ā€œtook to the streets by thousands and hundreds of thousands in the West Bank and Gaza, although itā€™s freezing outside.ā€

Abbas argued that the problem is not with Trump, but the ā€œterrible adviceā€ that he has received. He rejected the criticism of the US president's special adviser, Jared Kushner, who he called ā€œthe son-in-law,ā€ for saying the Palestinians have missed opportunity after opportunity for peace.

The PA president also called for the Palestinians and Israelis to be allowed to reach peace on their own, rather than it be imposed from the outside.

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.8103027   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3046 >>3077 >>3080 >>3097 >>3226 >>3296 >>3336 >>3341 >>3375 >>3401

Biden Abruptly Pulls Out Of New Hampshire As Support Sags, Flees To SC


Joe Biden took his ball and went home.


The former vice president on Tuesday suddenly announced that he was bailing from New Hampshire, where polls show him running in fourth or even fifth place. Biden said he will leave right away and not spend primary night in the state. Instead, heā€™s heading to South Carolina to ā€œheadline a newly scheduled kick-off rally in the state heā€™s long considered his campaign firewall,ā€ Fox News reports.


ā€œWeā€™re going to head to South Carolina tonight,ā€ Biden told reporters. ā€œAnd Iā€™m going to Nevadaā€¦ weā€™ve got to look at them all.ā€


After his dismal finish in Iowa, where he finished fourth, things in New Hampshire looks just as bad, if not worse. The day before the Granite Stateā€™s primary, Biden was running fourth in most polls (and fifth in a couple). He knows heā€™s not in good shape, saying at the last Democratic debate in Manchester, N.H.: ā€œI took a hit in Iowa and Iā€™ll probably take a hit here.ā€


That may well be a dramatic understatement. Most of the latest polls were taken days ago, when a quarter of the stateā€™s voters claimed to be undecided. Many have since made up their minds, and they arenā€™t breaking Bidenā€™s way. Thatā€™s the real reason heā€™s bailing.


ā€œThe campaign confirmed Biden is now canceling his originally scheduled appearance at a primary night party in Nashua, N.H., and will be in South Carolina instead. The New Hampshire party will go on as scheduled without him,ā€ Fox reports.

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.8103050   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3090 >>3170 >>3323

Seth Rich Family AND Defendants REQUEST TESTIMONY From Julian Assange ā€” But Podesta-Linked Judge Richard Leon REFUSES


Over the weekend Judge Richard Leon in Washington D.C. ordered investigative reporter Matt Couch to release all of his confidential materials to the lawyers for Aaron Rich.


Aaron Rich, the brother of Seth Rich is suing Matt Couch for his reporting on Seth who was murdered in the summer of 2016. Seth worked for the DNC at the time.


Judge Richard J. Leon, is a longtime colleague and Georgetown Law School co-lecturer with John Podesta. He is also linked to Fusion GPS.


Matt Couch is probably going to file a motion to recuse Leon.

Now get thisā€¦

In a bizarre twist, Aaron Rich and the defendants JOINTLY asked Judge Leon to help arrange the deposition of Julian Assange in England.

Julian Assange is the main source who can testify how Wikileaks obtained the Podesta emails during the 2016 election.

But in a weird twist, according to our sources, Judge Leon arbitrarily refused the request ā€” even though BOTH PARTIES requested the deposition.


This is unheard of! It is unique in a situation where ALL PARTIES agree that they need the testimony of a particular witness, but the judge blocks it WITHOUT EXPLANATION!

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.8103069   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3170 >>3323

Two Ex-Spanish Prime Ministers Summoned to Testify in Gurtel Corruption Case


Former Spanish prime ministers Mariano Rajoy and Jose Maria Aznar will testify before the National Court in a trial on alleged financial misconduct within their right-leaning party Partido Popular (People's Party, PP), the Spanish state television said on Tuesday.


According to the TVE broadcaster, they will be asked whether they knew or not about the existence of a "b-box," or an unofficial party fund that was topped up through illegal means, an allegation put forward against the entire party leadership by former treasurer Jose Luis Barcenas, now jailed for 33 years within the same case.


The large-scale scandal involving the PP's illicit funds has been ongoing for several years now and is known in Spain as the Gurtel case. It alleges businessman Francisco Correa Sanchez in using the party and its members for money laundering and tax evasion at the cost of bribes and kickbacks.


The upcoming trial is specifically about 900,000 euros ($980,000) that the party spent for its Madrid headquarters' renovation in 2007-2008 ā€“ the prosecution believes the money came from the unaccounted shadow fund.


Aside from Rajoy and Aznar, witnesses will include all former People's Party general secretaries, several ministers and the former senate head, as well as the construction companies OHL, Sacyr Šø FCC that were hired for repairs in Madrid.


This will be Rajoy's second time to testify within the Gurtel case. In 2018, it cost him a vote of no confidence and subsequent ouster as prime minister.ā€“reports/

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.8103170   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun



>>8102646 WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tells reporters in Geneva that "COVID-19" is the new official name for the deadly #coronavirus

>>8102659 Student-teacher strikes across France are met with even more heavy-handed policing

>>8102688 DOJ Gave $500,000 Grant To ā€˜Hookers for Jesusā€™ For Alleged Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts, Whistleblowers Reveal

>>8102729 Migrant Apprehensions at Border Drop 11 Percent in January amid 8-Month Decline

>>8102765 South Dakota Republicans Shoot Down Bill Opposing Child Sex Changes, Cross-Sex Hormone Injections

>>8102814, >>8102881 Georgianon reporting in with a couple of updates on stories mentioned here over the last few days:

>>8102840 Corey Feldman needs 24/7 security as he prepares to release his film about Hollywood Pedos

>>8102855 RBNZ launches direct phone line and email for whistleblowers in banking

>>8102878 Turkey Says They Killed 101 Syrian Troops in Retaliation

>>8102886 PayPal funds academic research on illegal firearms transactions

>>8102898 Journalist Abby Martin Sues State of Georgia Over Law Requiring Pledge of Allegiance to Israel

>>8102996 Dozens of Canadians included in lawsuit over alleged abuse by NXIVM sex-cult leadership

>>8103050 Seth Rich Family AND Defendants REQUEST TESTIMONY From Julian Assange ā€” But Podesta-Linked Judge Richard Leon REFUSES

>>8103069 Two Ex-Spanish Prime Ministers Summoned to Testify in Gurtel Corruption Case

>>8103106 Report: U.S. Attorney In Pittsburgh Vetting Rudy Giuliani Documents On Biden Family

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.8103195   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Do Big Tech Companies Stifle Competition? Federal Trade Commission To Study Question


The FTC said it wants to examine trends in acquisitions and the structure of deals involving acquisitions not governned by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act

The FTC is seeking the information from Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft

The request comes amid antitrust investigations by the Justice Department and more than a dozen state attorneys general as well as calls from some lawmakers to break up the companies


The Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously Tuesday to examine past acquisitions by big tech firms that were not reported to the government before the deals were finalized. Such deals would have involved small companies like startups that did not meet antitrust thresholds.


The FTC order comes amid calls from several lawmakers to break up the big tech companies, a Justice Department investigation into whether the big tech firms stifle competition and a joint antitrust investigation by a group of state attorneys general.


The FTC said it had sent orders requiring Google parent Alphabet (GOOG), Amazon (AMZN), Apple (APPL), Facebook (FB) and Microsoft (MSFT) to provide ā€œinformation and documents on the terms, scope, structure and purpose of transactions that each company consummated between Jan. 1, 2010, and Dec. 31, 2019.ā€


The action was taken under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, which authorizes the FTC to conduct studies that donā€™t have a specific law enforcement purpose. The FTC said it wants to deepen its understanding of acquisition activity among large tech firms and examine whether the activity harms competition.


ā€œThis initiative will enable the commission ā€¦ to evaluate whether the federal agencies are getting adequate notice of transactions that might harm competition,ā€ FTC Chairman Joe Simons said. ā€œThis will help us continue to keep tech markets open and competitive for the benefit of consumers.ā€


The FTC is seeking documents related to corporate acquisition strategies, voting and board appointment agreements, decisions on hiring key personnel, post-employment noncompete agreements, and post-acquisition product development and pricing, including information on how the companies were integrated into the overall operation.


ā€œThe commission plans to use the information obtained in this study to examine trends in acquisitions and the structure of deals, including whether acquisitions not subject to HSR notification might have raised competitive concerns, and the nature and extent of other agreements that may restrict competition,ā€ the FTC said in its press release. ā€œThe commission also seeks to learn more about how small firms perform after they are acquired by large technology firms.ā€

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.8103203   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Switzerland Votes to Criminalize 'Homophobia,' Spain Moves to Criminalize 'Glorifying' Franco Dictatorship


Modern-day liberalism is held together by an ever-growing list of politically incorrect taboos which mustn't be uttered lest they undermine our vibrant multicultural democracies.


From LifeSite, "Switzerland votes to criminalize 'homophobia'":


The Swiss have voted by a large majority to make "homophobia" a criminal offense.


On Sunday, 63.1 percent of the voters who turned out for several popular initiative referendums agreed that "discrimination," "hate speech" and other forms of public ā€œinsultsā€ aimed at homosexuals because of their "sexual orientation" will be punishable by a fine and up to three years' imprisonment.


During the run-up to Sunday's vote, the Catholic hierarchy in Switzerland was mostly conspicuous by its absence from the debate.


With the new legislation, the aggravating circumstance of a victim's homosexuality will be added to the original 1994 anti-discrimination and hate speech law in Switzerland's penal code that already criminalized discrimination on the basis of race or religion. How it will be applied in practice will be determined by jurisprudence. To date, sanctions for discrimination and hate speech under the original law are usually limited to fines, only rarely moving up the scale to a suspended prison sentence.


From Reuters, "Spanish government to ban glorification of Franco dictatorship":


The Spanish government plans to make it illegal to glorify the regime of former dictator General Francisco Franco as part of a reform of the country's criminal code, the Socialist Party said on Monday.


Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975, ordered the execution or imprisonment of tens of thousands of his enemies, while as many as 500,000 people died in the preceding civil war. His nationalist legacy still divides Spain and looms large over its political system.


"In a democracy you donā€™t pay tribute to dictators or tyrants," parliamentary spokeswoman Adriana Lastra said.


She did not spell out what would constitute "glorification".


The government also aims to exhume the bodies of Franco's victims buried in mass graves and remove any Francoist symbols still on display in public places, Lastra said.

Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.8103242   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Julian Assange Wins 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award


Imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has been awarded Consortium Newsā€˜ 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award for courage in the face of an unprecedented attack on press freedom.


Julian Assange, the imprisoned and maligned publisher of WikiLeaks, has been awarded the 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award by the board of the Consortium for Independent Journalism, publishers of Consortium News.


Assange is incarcerated in a maximum security prison in London awaiting a hearing later this month on an extradition request by the United States. He has been charged 0n 17 counts under the U.S. Espionage Act of possessing and publishing classified material that revealed prima facie evidence of U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.


For practicing the highest order of journalismā€“revealing crimes of the stateā€“Assange faces 175 years in a U.S. prisonā€“a life sentence for the 48-year old Australian.


Assange, whose life has been endangered in harsh prison conditions, has become an international symbol of the threat to press freedom. He is the first journalist to be charged under the Espionage Act for possession and dissemination of state secrets.


Robert Parry, the late founder and editor of Consortium News, was a staunch defender of Assangeā€™s rights. In 2010, he wrote: ā€œThough American journalists may understandably want to find some protective cover by pretending that Julian Assange is not like us, the reality is ā€“ whether we like it or not ā€“ we are all Julian Assange.ā€


The award is named after journalist Gary Webb whose life was cut short after the mainstream press vilified him for accurate reports about a CIA operation that flooded urban areas of the U.S. with cocaine from Nicaragua.


Journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, a member of the Consortium News board, said: ā€œHaving been close to Julian Assange through much of his struggle against corrupt power, I had no hesitation in voting for him for the Gary Webb prize. While Gary was a tragedy at the end, Julian must be a triumph.ā€


A History of Scoops


Assange launched WikiLeaks in Dec. 2006. Among its first revelations were files alleging corruption by former Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi; the U.S. Army manual for soldiers at Guantanamo Bay and registers of U.S. military equipment in Afghanistan and Iraq.


In January 2008, WikiLeaks released ā€œUnited Nations Confidential Reportsā€ that ā€œexpose matters from allegations of hundreds of European peace-keepers sexually abusing refugee girls to generals in Peru using Swiss bank accounts to engage in multi-million dollar frauds against the UN.ā€



Anonymous ID: 349789 Feb. 11, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.8103323   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3336



>>8102646 WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tells reporters in Geneva that "COVID-19" is the new official name for the deadly #coronavirus

>>8102659 Student-teacher strikes across France are met with even more heavy-handed policing

>>8102688 DOJ Gave $500,000 Grant To ā€˜Hookers for Jesusā€™ For Alleged Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts, Whistleblowers Reveal

>>8102729 Migrant Apprehensions at Border Drop 11 Percent in January amid 8-Month Decline

>>8102765 South Dakota Republicans Shoot Down Bill Opposing Child Sex Changes, Cross-Sex Hormone Injections

>>8102814, >>8102881 Georgianon reporting in with a couple of updates on stories mentioned here over the last few days:

>>8102840 Corey Feldman needs 24/7 security as he prepares to release his film about Hollywood Pedos

>>8102855 RBNZ launches direct phone line and email for whistleblowers in banking

>>8102878 Turkey Says They Killed 101 Syrian Troops in Retaliation

>>8102886 PayPal funds academic research on illegal firearms transactions

>>8102898 Journalist Abby Martin Sues State of Georgia Over Law Requiring Pledge of Allegiance to Israel

>>8102996 Dozens of Canadians included in lawsuit over alleged abuse by NXIVM sex-cult leadership

>>8103050 Seth Rich Family AND Defendants REQUEST TESTIMONY From Julian Assange ā€” But Podesta-Linked Judge Richard Leon REFUSES

>>8103069 Two Ex-Spanish Prime Ministers Summoned to Testify in Gurtel Corruption Case

>>8103106 Report: U.S. Attorney In Pittsburgh Vetting Rudy Giuliani Documents On Biden Family

