Anonymous ID: 4ad8c0 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8102923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2949 >>2967 >>3026 >>3097 >>3178 >>3226 >>3296 >>3336


lawfag here with my theory of the first unsealed indictment that will send shckwaves

It will target Senators Richard Burr and Mark Warner for sedition and treason in the coup attempt - bot Senate Intel Committee that participated and covered up their roles - alas for them the players they relied upon to assist in the coverup were Q Q+ doubel agents - RR and Jesse Liu

CTH has analyzed the facts for this conclusion see linked article and these questions they pose with LAWFAG's ansers in CAPS

Who was Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and DC Attorney Jessie Liu protecting? ONGOING INVESTIGATION AND STING

What institutional interests did Rod Rosenstein and Jessie Liu consider too stunning, too damaging, too overwhelming, to confront in their decision to allow such a weak plea contrast against such severe criminal conduct? PUBLIC WAS NOT READY TO BELIEVE CORRUPTION AT THIS LEVEL AND THE STAGE WAS NOT SET

It is even possible for the United States Dept. of Justice to conduct a trial where members of the Gang of Eight were implicated in the activity? NO AT THAT TIME BUT SOON AND THIS WILL ALSO LEAD TO SCHUMER PELOSI AND SCHIFF

How could the institutions of the United States government survive the publicity of members within the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence conspiring with foreign and domestic actors to eliminate the President of the United States? THIS IS THE MAIN ISSUE FOR THE PLAN TO EDUCATE THE MASSES TO AVOID CHAOS YET ATTAIN JUSTICE

How could the highest and most widely recognized U.S. media institutions (NYT, WaPo, CNN and more) survive exposure within that same trial. The media caught participating in a government effort (receiving leaked classified information) intended to eliminate the presidency of Donald John Trump? ANONS KNOW THE FAKENEWS IS CORRUPT AND SWAMP BUT AGAIN THE PUBLIC MUST BE PREAPRED TO ACCEPT