Anonymous ID: 5b2db9 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8102995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3300

>>8102380 lb

>Yet you say nothing when AFLB blames Irannians, MegaShill blames Masons or jesuits or Catholics, why is it that you kvetch only when Jews are singled out?

>We see you kikes & your overdue shoah is nigh


Well you couldn't be more wrong about that. In fact it was me who took issue with AFLB in this morning's bread. It doesn't do any good, but at least my objection to their annoying, repetitious, fake posts went on record again.


Flinging insults at patriots makes you look stupid.


Blanket condemnation of any group makes you look stupid, ignorant, clueless, retarded. Make truthful comments about individuals and I'll support them wholeheartedly.


See what I said to AFLB this morning?


>>8100420 PB (addressed to AFLB)

You assert that you have factual knowledge of who attacked 8kun. No way you could know that. Misdirection? Look here not there? What about china china china.

You are unironically a tranny faggot.