Anonymous ID: 90d56a Feb. 11, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8102897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2923 >>2986 >>3026 >>3097 >>3226 >>3296 >>3336



Jessie Liu needs to answer to the seditious criminality that's gone on in the DOJ, SSCI, etc., that continues to be covered up. It's time for the MOAB.


"Former U.S. Attorney for DC, Jessie Liu, is scheduled for a Senate confirmation hearing this upcoming Thursday at 10:00am. There’s also an unreported background story connected to the DOJ, Rod Rosenstein and Ms. Liu so controversial, it’s as big as Spygate."

Anonymous ID: 90d56a Feb. 11, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.8103178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3205

Thank you lawfag. The Gang of Eight has been protected from their Seditious activities being brought to the public eye for too long now.


Feinstein ended up resigning from the SSCI in an attempt to clean her hands from her part in the Sedition.


If Liu is confirmed the entire white elephant will be swept under the rug once more.


Liu studied at Harvard. Pompeo just spoke Friday at the Governor's Association about China's infiltration through universities with Harvard being the top recipient of donations. Just sayin' for a friend.


James Wolfe got away with a little hand slap from Liu for leaking TOP SECRET information to the NYT. He was tasked to be THE protector of Top Secret information going from the Executive Branch to the SSCI. This is criminal! WHERE IS JUSTICE!


Werner (SSCI member) was texting with Christopher Steele's attorney at the time.


It goes on and on….

