Anonymous ID: cda511 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8103006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3025

>>8102305 what if jesus is walking the earth atm and has joined anonymous. would we know?

>>8102331 >>8102425 Jesus is 81 yrs old right now.

>>8102538 >>8102565 He's shy about his real age but he looks 40,

>>8102491 64 years of age.

>>8102499 Jesus will be 82 on March 27th.


>Dick Cheney shooting that Judge was a warning to Jesus

>There will be no reincarnation of Jesus after this


have we all been reincarnated 22times?

are we all the same people ffrom caveman days? from jesus day? from tesla day?


who the hell is jesus/tesla now?

did telsa know he was reincarnate of jesus?

if not, then how does Q know?


>jesus is homeless.

arent we all o/ <3 heaven


wtf... just wtf am i even saying o.0