Anonymous ID: ee5fa5 Feb. 11, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.8102988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ indicts 4 Chinese hackers for Equifax data breach


As it happened, I watched this video right after watching Sec. State Pompeo's speech at the National Governors Association conference about Chinese infiltration. It seems YT may be going after that video. It was missing from the Gateway Pundit article where many first learned of it. It can still be found here:


Fellow anons, I suspect that the hacking may be related to the information shared by Sec. State Pompeo at that meeting. What are the odds that the information gleaned in that hack has found its way into some intelligence database that the Chinese may use later as they work their way toward their ends here in the US? The potential bigger picture is rather frightening, actually.


Do you think maybe it's no coincidence that 8kun was seemingly being hacked when I originally tried to post this?