Anonymous ID: 606878 Feb. 11, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.8104837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First off, great bread title, Baker! Very witty.


Second, with respect to the awful story about LAWRENCE Ray (father of student Talia Ray) running s sick sex cult at Sarah Lawrence College (discussed as a NOTABLE at >>8102674 and >>8102772 ), I checked the PEDO-sta emails for clues, as I often do.


Neither Lawrence (Larry) Ray (the sick father) nor Talia Ray (the sick daughter) appear in the PEDO-sta emails.


But the phrase Sarah Lawrence appears in one email, linked below. The email was written in 2008 when The Kenyan was assembling his illegitimate cabinet, and Rahm Emanuel was suggested as Chief of Staff.


FYI - Rahm Emanuel is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence.


Now before the shills in here scream at me, just take this for what it is: a fact. A lonely little fact that stands alone because it is true.


Apparently Larry Ray was a friend of convicted felon Bernard "Mister 9/11" Kerik, so Emanuel maybe just another avenue to pursue.


Why I'm curious? Because those brainwashed college kids were pimped out for big bucks. High rollers bought them, not college kids.


So maybe we can follow the money, follow the names…..


Another reason I'm posting is just to report on the results from the PEDO-sta emails relative to this shocking story.


So that's all I got for now. Back to homework. Thanks, lads.