>https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2477847
>https:// archive.is/y89NP
Good stuff, anon. I've been neglecting v/pg.
It's daunting when the connections start expanding instead of focusing. (I might build some sort of scaleable framework graphic to compile the different orgs.) Here are some links from that voat post.
https:// artvoice.com/2018/02/18/author-dalai-lama-reportedly-aware-secretly-supported-lamas-tantric-sex-cult-practices/
https:// archive.is/p3VLW
http:// www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeV/Unleashing_the_Beast.htm
https:// archive.is/TzPR
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2476462
https:// archive.is/ObBLG
^ On the Canadian child porn industry and technology: from the Trudeau Foundation, Podetsta and Justin, to Frank Giustra, to UNICEF Canada to VIRGIN Unite Canada
https:// tinfoilushnisha.wordpress.com/2016/12/15/is-the-17th-karmapa-harboring-pedophile-monks-at-ktd-in-woodstock-new-york/
https:// archive.is/qNRIh
https:// lipstick-and-war-crimes.org/podesta-satanist-background-globalist-overview/
https:// archive.is/sTbJF
^link b/w DL and MA
an unsourced comment on
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2477847
https:// archive.is/y89NP
>On a side note, yesterday I discovered that a cousin of the Bronfman sisters (who have been involved with NXIUM as execs and major donors) - Jeffrey Bronfman - is a leader in a cult based on the shamanic tradition of the Amazonas natives in Brazil and their habit of using ayahuasca (a plant that contains DMT) as a means of communicating with the spiritual world. The church is called 'UDV', and Jeffrey is a 'mestre' (religious leader) and Vice President of the Church in the US.
tl;dr it always comes back to buttsex
>the brainwash button is in the butt
>anal penetration prods the nerve cluster at the base of the spine
>this short circuits the brain
>produces the "flash of light" they all speak of
not sure how this makes people suggestible, though
a slightly more meta perspective
>the cult/cabal has kids
>kids are sent through these brainwashing/grooming camps
>the newly brainwashed in turn set up their own franchise/satellite brainwashing centers
>the pyramid expands