Anonymous ID: 02c6ab March 27, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.811206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1242


(repost from last thread)


We can extrapolate this another order of magnitude, and consider the pedogate/actual Nazi characteristics just one horrifying category of a much larger worldwide criminal cabal.


Am seeing the same aspects repeated over and over:


1) Psychological control over others (pedophilia, human trafficking, satanism, slavery, quasi-religious cult operations, other depravity). Humans used as chattel/property.


2) Legal structure(s) which avoid taxation


3) International business plan which has money crossing borders multiple times


Most recently, NXIVM with its Svengali-ish leader, the Turkish Fathullah Gulen and his organization, the Clintons/Obamas and their foundations and network, Howard Weinstein, Dan Schneider, and it seems like the list grows longer every day.


The wrongdoing strikes me initially as being of equal interest to criminal prosecutors and the IRS, which has its own large and powerful law enforcement capacities.


So many people have died or had their lives ruined because of the individuals involved. The human aspect is unimaginably horrifying.


Even without seeing actual org charts, which probably don't exist anyway, the organizational structures for them all seem similar: huge and baffling at first glance. Pic related is just an example.


I think what we're seeing is the new incarnation of organized crime for the 21st century - all of it using tax avoidance schemes, exploiting lax US non-profit corporation tax laws to keep the money flowing, and access to children as pawns for sex trafficking, blackmail, extortion, their own gratification, money from "clients", with all financial investments offshored and camouflaged under multiple benignly-named legal entities.


They know that setting up a myriad of structures will make their operations get lost in the noise.


At the same time am reminded of Q's words that hit me upside the head like a 2x4: "We have it all." Bill Binney confirmed that when he told us that the NSA was literally vacuuming up EVERYTHING. So it's not a matter of law enforcement and prosecutors finding out whether evidence exists, it's knowing how to subpoena a needle in a haystack.


Last night very late, I ran across a legal term that was new to me: a Klein Conspiracy. I'm not a lawyer, but this whole idea of a way to prosecute a huge organization in a simple and very effective way blew me away:




"Why does the IRS like to assert a Klein conspiracy?


The short answer is because it is easier. It is easier for the IRS to prove that a taxpayer made the government’s job harder than it is to prove that he or she actually committed a specific crime—and the IRS has discovered this much with its prosecution of “tax shelters.”


Complex structure is their camouflage to avoid detection and taxes, and allow the crimes against humanity which generate the money to occur.

Anonymous ID: 02c6ab March 27, 2018, 1 p.m. No.811360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1529

Forgive me, but why the distraction about the possible meaning behind NXIVM and a single character on a page of an EO which may or may not be a magnifying glass icon?


Need to shake it off and refocus here - need names, locations, criminal/court histories, whistleblowers who've exposed people/orgs, news coverage, etc.


–Gulen organization


–Dan Schneider

–Clinton Foundation

–Obama Foundation

–Bush family

–Giant non-profits like WHO, Red Cross, Unicef, United Way

–Any and every senior official in the Obama / Bush / Clinton administrations