You are either a liar or a dupe. It's the jew, stupid.
←- That's your "satanist" That is a real quote from the Talmud. Keep defending your enemies, Goy!
←- For all you jew-lovers and jew-enablers. Let that sink in.
Keep sucking up to your jew masters. You are a good goy.
Thanks. I'll add it. The list is almost endless.
The anon is indeed, wise.
Look Morons. The lineage of Jesus of Nazareth is in 2 books of the NT. Matthew and Luke. No where is Jesus related to the Pharisees. There is no mention of it in the OT. Stop believing jew lies. Jesus what not a jew. Joseph was not a jew. Solomon was not a jew. Read and comprehend you deluded fools.
Truth in trips.