It’s time for ALL of you doubters/deniers to admit that there are benevolent ET’s that are trying to help us Humans save this planet! Who do you think Arch Angel Uriel is incarnated as?
How can you deny that the MAGA movement is getting their help… (friends in high places). We are being watched over…
Yet, some still deny the possibility that we are getting benevolent help from outside our planet or that we are angelic beings with much power…
Even Q said we are not ‘alone’ in the universe… & that doesn’t mean just stars/planets… it means humanoid/other beings.
We live in a world of ‘duality’ with the ‘free will’ to choose our paths.
It means there is:
Much good vs. Much evil…
Benevolent beings vs. Harmful negative beings…
Light vs. Dark…
Elohim (Angels) vs. Negative Aliens…
Ask yourself, how POTUS has been able to defeat EVERY plan of theirs to undo/replace him???
Would you be surprised to know that there is at least one Pleiadian on the Q team?
We the People…are doing this, together thru our collective consciousness. We are willing the changes that happen!
Above Image from: