I was just thinking of how I ignore the MSM news and narrative on a daily basis. I know that it is all “Fake News” so I felt I shouldn’t watch it. WRONG! For a period of time I only received my news from 8chan/8kun or content providers I trust on YouTube. I was missing out on the narrative spin the whole time. There is more to be learned from their spin than the actual event that has taken place. I mistakenly felt more woke by tuning out everything but the hivemind of this site but I was missing out on a broader understanding of how the enemy was acting. Q even states WATCH THE NEWS in posts which I should have understood literally. The NEWS UNOLCKS THE MAP. Even with that most direct and simple instruction I was choosing to tune out and that was limiting my ability to fully comprehend everything being presented. It is all interconnected, the good and the bad. My eyes are now wide open and my vision has improved immensely. No real point here but self reflection that another anon might resonate with. Shadilay.