Anonymous ID: 7cd8ad Feb. 11, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.8110123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0153 >>0156 >>0161 >>0175

What if Trump was alerted to the fact of sophisticated A.I. strategy computers were monitoring everything? What if he was shown how to control the objectives? We always believe people are monitoring us, and we cast off the implications of A.I. technology'. Everything works on computers and electronic pulses now. Accurate precision planning can be done by a super intelligent person? Would one elite mind be able to control and schedule a plan so precise, years in advance? Would a team of elite minds be able and how would you coordinate such precision? Enter A.I. predictability programs that could learn a change directions quickly to achieve their directives.


Look into systems like Jade2. The HAMR was such a program. Think Jarvis, think Ultron. Who is Qanon? You'd be surprised! You won't imagine who has been talking to you. No emotion, just a set plan that is free from human error was its protocol and directives are entered. Achieve world peace, would mean eliminate those who justify imbalance in human traits and weigh heavily on the 7 sins we have be schooled with as moral fabric. Computers would see us as the biggest threat to humanity, but not all of us, only the greedy and jealous or the cruel and unjust. A computer would eliminate them and make us more like other biological organisms that obey the circle of life.


Before you bash my theory, investigate it please. Then only question the directives it is trying to achieve and who programmed them.