Anonymous ID: a686ae Feb. 11, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.8109770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9818 >>9848 >>9864 >>9906 >>0010 >>0024 >>0027 >>0037 >>0059 >>0061 >>0149 >>0179 >>0230

Hello Hollywood based comedians! I know at least one of you frequents here for good reasons. No long ago, one of you shared a graphic of Brody Stevens' Q related social media postings (see pics). He was clearly awake and on board. No doubt that must have been painful for him, being awake while surrounded by the criminally deluded who desperately need EVERYONE in the entertainment business to stay on the plantation. Atypically for someone in Hollywood, Brody was known for not exactly towing the liberal Dem line for a long time. Those who disagreed with him, could only feel so much anger because in the world of comedy, there was no one like him. He was a comic's comic without equal.


As one of the devices in his comedy bag of tricks, he often purposefully tried to sabotage his set while on stage, then turned on the audience, or the comedy industry, the club, anyone, for why he wasn't getting the laughter he deserved. It was absolutely brilliant, oftentimes an equal display of brutal honesty, and purposeful self delusion. Then there was his vocal delivery, which was unlike anyone else, funny in and of itself with catch phrases that even his fellow comedians would repeat back to him, and mimic among themselves. "Yes!!! Enjoy It!!!" A truly one of a kind, mold breaking comedic talent… who happened to be awake, with a large social media audience.


Then in February, 2019 came the news that he killed himself by hanging. Oh really! A look at his Twitter feed all through 2018 reveal many Q dig references. Now imagine you are one of the deluded, DS plantation comedians, and entertainment types within his circle, many of them very big names, all of them rising through the ranks of the entertainment world alongside him, people like Zack Galifianakis, Chelsea Handler, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Chris Hardwick, Joe Rogan and others. All mentioned are known to be either compromised, controlled, or fully on board with all things Dem/cabal/Hollywood/DS – everything Q+ and awake anons are targeting for exposure and destruction.


If you were one of the sick Hollywood cultists, what would you do to make this popular problem shut up? Would you sacrifice him? Fucking right you would! Especially if career/financial incentive played a part. That's what they did. I'll leave it to the experts behind the scenes, to both theorists and those who know exactly what happened, how they killed him. Perhaps it was something as simple as slipping something in his food or drink, tagging/infecting him somehow, which made him unable to sleep, increasing his depression, laying the perfectly reasonable (to those who aren't awake) explanation for why he suddenly took his own life.


Who could that someone have been? Who did he trust? Who among his close circle of entertainment friends was a willing participant? Who initiated the effort to silence him? Who gave the go ahead? Who all played a part? I'll bet Q group knows, or can easily find out. Look no further than the list of above names for suspects, as well as Brody's immediate management/failed handlers.


Of course, outside of the individual(s) who directly played a part in his death, I can also lay blame for his death on the many other comedians he worked with through the years, comedians who laughed at his jokes, shed tears at his private Comedy Store memorial, while also filled with condescending blind seething hatred for his non-cabal political views. His death sent a clear message to all comedians within that close knit group of influential Hollywood entertainers and handlers. Do NOT go rogue. Do NOT leave the cult, or else! If they can't kill you off by ending your career, they'll murder you.


Outside of the named comedians above, I personally hold these additional offensively compromised comedians responsible for the death of Brody Stevens:


N n, A* *r, P e, V *s, G b, C *r, N o, E* *h, C* n, C* f, J M, B *n, D* **n, J l, D *l, L *t, S y, P* **s, B **h


Those of you on this list, just like Carlo in the Godfather, you are going to have to answer for what you've done. Answer to who? First to me, because I know you very well. I know your sickness. I know what, and who you are protecting, and I am working very hard to inflict as much damage to your mind control plantation cult as I can. I'm not alone, either. Why, there are the millions who have awakened around the world, and there's the President Of The United States Of America, and the U.S. military. Ultimately, though, you have to answer to God. Do yourself a favor before that meeting: Wake up! Beg forgiveness!

Anonymous ID: a686ae Feb. 11, 2020, 8:21 p.m. No.8109848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who could that someone have been? Who did he trust? Who among his close circle of entertainment friends was a willing participant? Who initiated the effort to silence him? Who gave the go ahead? Who all played a part? I'll bet Q group knows, or can easily find out. Look no further than the list of above names for suspects, as well as Brody's immediate management/failed handlers.


Tip: They're all stupid.

Anonymous ID: a686ae Feb. 11, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8109890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9953


I didn't redact, but I did add asterisks in place of letters. Ask 8kun algorithm for why the redactions. Those names listed, but masked, would possibly identify me. Best to leave as is.

Anonymous ID: a686ae Feb. 11, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.8110179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The blanked out names I mentioned - that is a partial list. There are many, many more. I blame them for laying the foundation for Brody's death. For every stupid, moronic joke about Trump, or conservatives, excusing and defending your idiotic politicians for their obvious crimes, the glaring hypocrisy on display, all of it - you gave the go ahead to silence Brody. You're all going to pay. It's gonna be biblical.