Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 3:37 a.m. No.8111859   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2011 >>2448

The truth Factory Cat exposes vintage 1970s/80s "pizzagate". This is sick, twisted and dark, satanic,and the cat has documentation. YES, DOCUMENTATION.


40 years and still no justice, and no punishment. So yeah, they got away with it. These kids were FARMED like livestock.

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m. No.8111865   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2102 >>2364 >>2523 >>2581


No mincing of words.


Another aspect of the crime problem in this country, and one I will focus on this evening, is the challenge presented by criminal aliens. These are individuals who enter our country – frequently illegally – and then proceed to commit crimes. While there is no current data on the number of criminal aliens in our country — a deficit partly attributable to the local policies I will discuss this evening — the Obama Administration estimated in 2012 that there were nearly two million removable criminal aliens in the United States. Assuming that estimate was accurate, the numbers are likely even higher today despite the Trump Administration’s consistent and concerted efforts to find and deport this criminal population.


For many decades, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the priority for immigration enforcement has been identifying these criminal aliens and deporting them from the country as soon as they are eligible for release by state and local authorities. Those efforts are a vital part of how we keep our country safe. Immigration enforcement is an essential part of law enforcement.


Unfortunately, in various jurisdictions, so-called "progressive" politicians are jeopardizing the public’s safety by putting the interests of criminal aliens before those of law-abiding citizens. They have put in place policies and laws designed to thwart the ability of federal officers to take custody of these criminals and thereby help them escape back into the community. They often proudly brand their jurisdictions as “sanctuaries,” and package their obstructive policies in idealistic and misleading rhetoric about “protecting the immigrant community.”


Under President Trump’s leadership, we have taken concrete steps to combat the dangerous and unlawful policies of so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions. This evening, I will be announcing a set of additional actions that the Department of Justice is taking to protect the American people by ensuring the proper and lawful functioning of our nation’s federal immigration system.


Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible: When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape. These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society. Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes. This is neither lawful nor sensible.

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 3:42 a.m. No.8111872   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1977 >>2102 >>2364 >>2523 >>2581

China, China, China


The head of a Houston-based company that was the subsidiary of a Chinese company that developed stolen trade secrets was sentenced to 16 months in prison and ordered to forfeit more than $330,000 by U.S. District Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the District of Columbia.


Shan Shi, 55, of Houston, Texas, had previously been found guilty of conspiracy to steal trade secrets by a jury on July 29, 2019. Evidence admitted during a three-week trial showed that Shi had signed an agreement with Taizhou CBM Future New Material Science and Technology Co. Ltd (CBMF), to develop the manufacture of syntactic foam, which is a buoyancy material that aids in offshore oil and gas drilling. The defendant specifically pledged to “digest/absorb” the relevant technology in the United States. The defendant then set up a U.S.-based corporation, CBM International Inc., (CBMI) and hired ex-employees of a victim company that manufactured syntactic foam, located in Houston, Texas. These employees had access to trade secrets developed by the victim company, and the defendant was aware that they had signed agreements with the victim company not to disclose proprietary information. The other employees then transferred proprietary information to CBMI and the defendant, who used the information to create a syntactic foam manufacturing process in China.


The defendant was arrested along with five other individuals in the United States after he and CBMI attempted to market related-technology in the District of Columbia. An additional Chinese national living in China, Hui Huang, was also charged. The trial was solely of defendant Shi.


We really need to just start revoking legal immigration status of these people….

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 3:47 a.m. No.8111893   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2102 >>2364 >>2523 >>2581

Chink rips off US taxpayers


“The defendant’s luxury residence and vehicle reflect his true income, not the income he falsely underreported to the IRS,” said Kareem Carter, Special Agent in Charge IRS Criminal Investigation. “His crime was compounded by lying to the IRS when he was audited. Today’s sentence sends a clear message that those who intentionally conceal income and evade taxes will be held accountable for their crimes.”


According to the evidence presented at trial and information provided to the Court, Jyh-Chau “Henry” Horng was a minority owner of a home-based international trading business that sold scrap metal to China while that country was undergoing its economic and infrastructure boom. From 1999 through 2008, Horng failed to report on his tax returns millions of dollars in profits from the business. Horng and his wife used the business profits to buy residential properties in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area, invest over $5 million in a Milpitas shopping center, and purchase a Bentley. During an IRS audit of the returns, Horng made false statements to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including that neither he nor his wife had any foreign bank accounts. After the audit, Horng failed to file any tax returns from 2009 through 2018.

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.8112059   🗄️.is đź”—kun

the louder they are…


Yes, it's Huffpo.


Robert Reich in a new video breaks down how President Donald Trump has failed to deliver on one of his big 2016 campaign promises — to “drain the swamp” by eliminating government corruption.


It “seems like forever ago” that Trump made the vow, the former Labor Secretary in President Bill Clinton’s administration says in the 4-minute explainer that he released online Tuesday.


Anons know what to do.

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8112095   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Oh the TDS is strong on yahoo today…..


I am really having a hard time waiting for the PAIN, because I am really going to enjoy the media going totally off the deep end.


sample: 'Can't recall a worse day for DOJ': Trump's acquittal fuels his 'dictatorial' instincts as he obliterates the Justice Department's last shred of independence"

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.8112109   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Tim Kaine is still angry he's not Mike Pence.


The Senate is set to pass a bipartisan resolution this week to limit President Donald Trump’s authority to launch military operations against Iran weeks after the U.S. killed a top Iranian general.


The War Powers resolution, introduced by Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), will come to the floor Wednesday with a final expected vote Thursday. While the measure is not likely to garner enough support to overturn a likely Trump veto, its expected passage in the Senate nevertheless illustrates a rare congressional effort to rein in the president’s executive authority.


In addition to all 47 Democrats, the measure so far has support from Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Todd Young of Indiana, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Jerry Moran of Kansas.


The question is will Trump sign it?

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 4:52 a.m. No.8112137   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Unknown Democrat Candidate drops from race. I never heard of this guy.


Colorado Senator Michael Bennet is suspending his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday night.


Bennet ran as a moderate, rejecting favorite ideas of more progressive Democrats, including the Medicare for All plan espoused by Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that would eliminate private health insurance. Instead, Bennet pushed his Medicare-X proposal to create a public option without a single-payer system.


He joined the Democratic contest in May but languished at about 1% in the polls along with other moderates such as former Representative John Delaney.

Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 5:22 a.m. No.8112242   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Italy get bold.


Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy's right-wing League party, defiantly asked on Wednesday to be put on trial for detaining migrants at sea last year, even though the case could potentially sink his political career.


Senators were due to vote during the day on whether to lift Salvini's immunity after magistrates said they wanted to charge him for refusing to let a group of migrants dock last July as he waited for other European Union states to agree to take them in.


Salvini, an anti-immigrant populist who was serving as interior minister at the time, could eventually face up to 15 years in jail if found guilty at the end of Italy's tortuous legal process which normally takes years.



Anonymous ID: b84a0f Feb. 12, 2020, 5:32 a.m. No.8112279   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2339


This has been common knowledge by companies like CISCO and 100% of network engineers in Telecommunications. The USA was teh leader in global telecommunications until the bell system breakup. Once that happened it fell apart (thanks globalist). When Bell Labs was sold to SAIC that was it, they sold all the research and intellectual property to Asians and especially the Chinese for pennies on the dollar. Huawei would go to US industry conventions for network requiment suppliers and not only break rules like NO photography, there was actual theft of gear from the convention floor, all by the Chinese. The japanese companies were more wise to this and enclosed their areas and only proper clients were allowed entry. This was in teh early 1990s.


They annihilated all the US equipment manufactures- an industry taken over by China, Japan, and oddly, France. It put millions of Americans out of work.