you are both anime faggots
its not a good thing
>real explanation
they are mentally and/or emotionally unbalanced
not necessarily evil but could go there due to lack of balance and perspective
that is the full explanation
see you are not a balanced person emotionally and/or mentally
i did not accue you of shill
i just said animefagging was not a good thing
would you like to know why?
prolly dont care
no i think you givre too much credit
very few autists areinterested in provoking reactions from others
that is the the goal of shills i agree but do not view them as such
they really think anime is cool and cute etc and they are far from alone on that
it is simply disturbed behavior/attitudes
that said i do believe they crave ATTENTION but that is different than shill
drooling fluid= dribble
drooling stupid words = drivel
stay out of it if you dont have something clever or intelligent to post