>all About Politics”
Trips confirm that Jussie's lawyer just proclaimed what anons have known.
It is about politics. Deep state politics.
>all About Politics”
Trips confirm that Jussie's lawyer just proclaimed what anons have known.
It is about politics. Deep state politics.
This anon did an analysis a while ago re: Google Andriod. What was learned was that all Google app and system settings would default to what Google wanted you to have, if you had to adjust the settings for any app, at all.
It felt like the interface was designed to ne sociopathic and narcissistic, in a manner of speaking. Was creepy to analyze actually.
It literally takes almost two pages of instructions just to get the handset to tell you it (ostensibly) cannot collect your data. And it doesn't flat out tell you that, it puts up "connectivity to GAPPS" errors and implies the phone will break if you don't.
The phone works fine without GAPPS. But the "assurances" from Google are meaningless in terms of ~~consumer~~ customer trust..
All of those companies have the same mindset, so it is unsurprising to this anon that you are observing what you are observing, frankly.
>Gaslighting about faggotry
>Realize that phonefags don't have easy tools to rename their graphics files and that's OK too. They shall post .png and nobody shall complain