Anonymous ID: 35ea41 Feb. 12, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.8113683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3832

Unfortunately, A Corrupt Group of Politically Focused DOJ Lawyers Isn’t The Only Issue…

Posted on February 12, 2020


Four of Robert Mueller’s special counsel prosecutors strategically and purposefully resigned their positions yesterday in an attempt to create a political narrative against U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr – through a ridiculous Roger Stone sentencing memorandum.


In a subsequent interview with Lou Dobbs, House Intel Committee ranking member Devin Nunes noted the activity of Mueller’s 19 lawyers was likely to come under scrutiny now, as people start to ask common sense questions. [Ex. what were these DOJ lawyers doing for over two years if there was zero evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion?]


However, I would draw attention to an even more troubling issue that media pretend not to even notice. From the Mueller Report (pg 13):


An issue that everyone overlooked is more serious than tin-foil-hat DOJ lawyers chasing DNC stories of Olaf and his Macedonian meme generating buddies on Facebook.


A significant issue is in the part of the story most have skipped past without recognizing,… because, well, simply we have become immune to the insanity of it.

… 40 FBI Agents worked on the Special Counsel?


Think about it. For three years… Doing what exactly?


I’m going to skip over the part where everyone recognizes these are the same FBI agents investigating Trump in 2016… who transferred into the Mueller team in 2017… to continue the investigation into 2018 and 2019. As if that wasn’t alarming enough… I digress.


Forty FBI agents, spent three years on a mission to investigate/eliminate the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump.


Don’t let ourselves get dragged into the absurdity and travel down a conversational path where DC justification is put through a cognitive blender. Forty FBI Agents spent three years trying to aid a transparently political effort to remove a president.


If you give them the benefit of being sound-minded, we had Forty FBI agents who transparently had to know this was a ridiculously weaponized political operation against the opposing political party of their FBI and DOJ leadership… and they went along with it.


The whole damned thing was a ruse.


What exactly would forty FBI agents be investigating?


You can take that insufferably overused qualifier: “we’re not talking about the hard-working FBI field agents here..“, and stuff it. I’m exactly talking about forty transparently corrupt FBI field agents who, according to EVERYONE, participated in an investigation that was political nonsense from the beginning.