Thank You Bakers
All their loicences better be in order.
Seriously though, UK police to take on silicon valley mafia.
Should be entertaining.
Finally anons!
My lifeswork here is done.
When this started in 2017; I went off to make the dankest meme this board has ever seen.
A meme so dank it will wake the most brainwashed mk ultra''d normie.
It would snap them awake with an audible boom, as they travel from sleep to redpilled in miliseconds.
Those 12 simple words have been crafted to linger in the mind. Like a virus, they will spread those 12 words to their normie friends
The background colour mixed with overall graphic gives it an asthetic so irresistable, they won't be able to ignore it.
I'm rambling, It's been 2 years work.
I'll let you all decide.
>I'm only posting this once.
Dubs of confusion chkd
No need for tard jail anon
>images problems loading
>I've made the dankest meme.
What's a memefag to do when images don't load on memefags favourite image board?
Make humour instead.
There is a meme attached, lets hope it post.
>Not the dankest meme from before
Through this shitstorm, Through this shill fest of gore, porn, scat and lunatics. Day after day, Night after night, We endure, We fight, Fight, Fight. Inch by inch we expose the Light and push back the Darkness. Anons are the best.
As you were fags
That's the Pepememe I wanted to post.
>F'kin knew it wouldn't
>I aint going nowhere!
>If I can help it kek
Long haul anon. In it until the 'end', whatever that is.
>Greatest show on earth.
>You're highest Anon this bread.
Next bread I probably be called a shill, or a rabbi, or even a clown. Who knows?
I love this place.