I hope this bitch Teigen gets all her assets frozen. Time to start taking what these morons worship the most…SHEKELS!
Trips motherfucking confirm! Gold-backed currency and peace with NK! Holy shit, lads. We're going for the combo breaker!
China introduced the spear to kill the FED/Rothschild faggots with gold-back Yuan even though the media isn't saying shit on purpose.
Tentative - not certain or fixed; provisional. We've got this in the bag, lads. ;)
We've got to let the masses know the connection of Clinton Global Initiative being connected to NXIVM because of the co-founder Nancy being raided. Once that gets out, BOOM, the video will be released. We've got this covered lads! HORY SHIT!
My bad nigga, my almonds were too activated. Wew!
NXIVM co-founder and president Nancy Salzman was a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, whose house was RAIDED after Keith Rainere was arrested.
I'd say that's a pretty big BOOM if you ask me.
https:// www.timesunion.com/news/article/Feds-raid-home-of-NXIVM-co-founder-Nancy-Salzman-12784322.php