Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.811874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908 >>1924 >>1930 >>1952

Leaked Audio: Anti-gun Giffords Foundation Behind "Student-led" March for Our Lives


While the liberal mainstream media continue to sell the line that Saturday’s “March for Our Lives” was a student-led, student-organized rally for “common-sense gun control,” the reality is that it was led and organized by the “usual suspects” in the anti-gun crowd. The kids are just window dressing for the sake of an emotional appeal. A YouTube video of leaked audio reveals that the real organization leading the rally is the anti-gun Giffords Foundation.


The audio is of a March 20 pre-rally meeting and features Broward County school teacher Debbie Miller coaching students on every aspect of the march they are supposedly leading. She even reminds them to “have your talking points ready.” In the audio, Miller, who teaches at Beachside Montessori Village (part of the Broward County Public School system), brazenly introduces herself to students as a representative of the Giffords Foundation. She begins, “For those of you I did not meet in my reception line, I am Debbie Miller.” Then she welcomes the students, saying, “On behalf of Giffords, I could not be more excited to welcome you all to our We Are the Change trip.”


https: //

Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.811908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1930


The meeting was held at the Coral Springs, Florida, Marriott Hotel, and Miller says the space was donated by the hotel. She also told the assembled students that Southwest Airlines “has decided to donate all of the seats” for the students traveling to D.C. for the rally.


Miller also explained that her “tech-support extraordinaire has set up a Facebook page and Instagram” under the name “WeAreTheChange_DC.”


Let’s just pause right there and unpack this a bit, before we get too deep in. First, why would the students who “organized” this whole thing need to be told all the details? Would they not know that the airfare was donated, as was the meeting space for the pre-rally meeting? Why didn’t they set up the social-media pages? After all, teens and social media are like two peas in a pod. Yet, they had to be told about this? For that matter, why was Miller “leading” that meeting? All of those questions are answered by her welcoming of the students “on behalf of Giffords,” which is the real organizer and leader of the rally.


Southwest donated seats and approves of abolishing the 2nd amendment

Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.811924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In fact, the media “pretended” that the March for Our Lives/We Are the Change rally was being led and organized by students both during the days leading up to the event as well as afterward. Here is a sampling just days before the march:


The Washington Post: “Big crowds are expected in Washington on Saturday for the March for Our Lives, an anti-gun-violence rally organized by students, that could bring as many as 500,000 protesters to downtown Washington.”


USA Today: “They're [the students from Parkland] the leaders we've been waiting for.”


The Los Angeles Times: “The goal of the student-led march in Washington is simple: to demand that Congress pass a comprehensive bill to address gun violence.”


ABC News: “Thousands of demonstrators are expected to turn out Saturday for March for Our Lives events across the country in support of school safety, spearheaded by the survivors of last month’s Parkland, Florida, school shooting.”


The News & Observer: “She also wanted to be part of a student-led movement. Cameron Kasky, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and his classmates announced the march on Washington just days after a gunman killed 17 people on their campus in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14.”


Every one of those quotes was datelined March 22 — a full two days after Miller’s meeting, which was attended by media. Well, she did ask them nicely to pretend they weren’t there. To be fair, this writer has no reason to believe that any of the “journalists” who regurgitated the “student-led” line in these articles were at Miller’s “Giffords” meeting, but since the audio is available on the web (after all, this writer found it), it is difficult to believe not one of them is aware of it.


Even after the march, the mainstream liberal media kept up the facade:


CNN: “How the Parkland students pulled off a massive national protest in only 5 weeks.”


ABC: “It also reveals that at least someone inside these new, youth-led organizations calling for gun safety reform has a keen sense of what they need and what they don't.”


New York Times: “Students Lead Huge Rallies for Gun Control Across the U.S.”


Bloomberg: “Young people haven't just taken the lead on this issue — they've created a playbook for other kids to follow.”


USA Today: “Whenever there are large public demonstrations, such as this weekend’s student-led March for Our Lives protests, we ask ourselves whether they represent the beginning of something big, or the end.”

Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.812016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044 >>2061 >>2077

New World Order Targets American Freedom


The most recent globalist confab was the World Government Summit in early February in the Middle East. It was mainly globalists, Islamists and atheists. Newman says, “This World Government Summit, which was the sixth one they have had, which takes place on the Arabian Peninsula . . . is all out in the open. It did not get any coverage in the American media, even though Sky News and CNN have cosponsored this event. . . . You had the heads of all these UN agencies, the Head of the IMF, the Head of the World Bank, you had top globalists and executives from social media companies, very senior government officials and the head of the United Nations last year. So, this is very serious business. They told us what their agenda was. They came out with an official press release and said we need to realign our institutions to get ready for the New World Order. It’s not a conspiracy anymore because a conspiracy requires secrecy, and they are in the open now. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact and you cannot argue with the facts. They just haven’t told the American people their agenda.”


Important video explanation of world government and Child sacrifice. Talks about world government formation.


https ://

Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.812044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2077


World Government Summit out in the open


A list of cult members surprised to see Goldie Hawn in list. the belief is of Child sacrifice and world government


https ://

Anonymous ID: 540605 March 27, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.812061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2286


In all these globalist confabs . . . what you see are the leading executives of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linked In, Amazon and Microsoft. These are the same people involved in the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the World Government Summit. They all come and give their little speeches, and what you see, and it’s becoming clearer in the last few weeks, they are undergoing a systematic campaign to censor, to silence and to sideline conservatives, Christians, Libertarians and people who say anything that contradicts the agenda. We saw a massive purge just in the last few weeks of YouTube channels. We know Facebook has been manipulating their algorithms to censor conservatives so stuff doesn’t get trending. This is across the board on all these social media platforms.”