Leaked Audio: Anti-gun Giffords Foundation Behind "Student-led" March for Our Lives
While the liberal mainstream media continue to sell the line that Saturday’s “March for Our Lives” was a student-led, student-organized rally for “common-sense gun control,” the reality is that it was led and organized by the “usual suspects” in the anti-gun crowd. The kids are just window dressing for the sake of an emotional appeal. A YouTube video of leaked audio reveals that the real organization leading the rally is the anti-gun Giffords Foundation.
The audio is of a March 20 pre-rally meeting and features Broward County school teacher Debbie Miller coaching students on every aspect of the march they are supposedly leading. She even reminds them to “have your talking points ready.” In the audio, Miller, who teaches at Beachside Montessori Village (part of the Broward County Public School system), brazenly introduces herself to students as a representative of the Giffords Foundation. She begins, “For those of you I did not meet in my reception line, I am Debbie Miller.” Then she welcomes the students, saying, “On behalf of Giffords, I could not be more excited to welcome you all to our We Are the Change trip.”
https: //www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/28567-leaked-audio-anti-gun-giffords-foundation-behind-student-led-march-for-our-lives