A nog in whiteface? Das rayciss!
Poloniumized the joo?
Trump inB4 Colbert thought she could never lose cuz he knew the fix was in & was ASSURED this was a show to try to appear impartial. Best guess as to what happened-Podesta his BFF cuz they raised $ for sister pulled him aside after HRC lost and said-
Podesta; Memba that night at the Standard Hotel?After that fundraiser for your sis?
Colbert; Yes, why?
Podesta; We told you she was 18 right?
Colbert: Ok? So?
Podesta; Well, she was only 14 and we have the tape..(Shows him a clip on phone)
Colbert; Oh, shit? So what now?
Podesta; You'll receive your directives; any deviation & you're history, got it?
Colbert; B - but I thought we were friends?
Podesta; You work for us now; understood?
Colbert; B-b-but I-
Podesta; Shut the fuck up & watch for your package to arrive by courier..
Kek, so there you have it Anons; how the black mail is gotten & how it enslaves Minions