Anonymous ID: 19aa74 Feb. 12, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.8117637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7679

>>8116986 (ob)

Project much Chuck?

Here are some Ever / Green definitions to mix and match.


EVER Adverb:

ALWAYS, at any time, in any way — also used as an intensive


GREEN Adjective:

3a: ENVIOUS sense 1 —used especially in the phrase green with envy

3b: marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance


5a: deficient in training, knowledge, or experience

green recruits

5b: deficient in sophistication and savoir faire : NAIVE

was green and credulous

5c: not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function

8b: concerned with or supporting environmentalism



5: MONEY especially : GREENBACKS