Hunter got hitched real quick after meeting her, but not before taking a call from his Dad Joe whilst the wedding woman waited and listened, saying the call was business like,,,,mmmm…..So the bride was pretty much pregnant soon after and baby is due about now, yes?
She, new Hunter Biden Mrs Melissa Batya Cohen, yes a Jew, was adopted by her 'parents' whilst in Johannesburg SA and mother Zoe Cohen happens to be running an adoption agency.
Wonder WHO Melissa's REAL parents are.
Mel claims to speak tribal language, having been raised by them since age six, then adopted? She travelled to Los Angeles and had a whirlwind romance to previous US husband entrepeneur Landver, who paid her off after divorce in 2014, and she only pushed him to marry her because she wanted a visa to stay longer. Loving the high life with Merc/jewels galore/fashionista as you do when you marry money, she doesn't seem to need to work for a living these days, having left tribal land in SAfrica. Something smells fishy.
Did you see the post of Zoe Cohen (mothers name but pic looks like Melissa) but from Israel? (Don't know if related)
Mother Zoe Cohen (adoptive mother) listed on LinkedIn as
Social worker in private practice / designated social worker Jewish Community Services
2007 – Present13 years
Counselling -private practice adoptions, surrogacy, trauma debriefing . crisis intervention .
I would , but dunno how, put Hunter's face on the fisherman and Melissa's on the mermaid, with the words, SOMETHING SMELLS FISHY on