Anonymous ID: ce8313 Feb. 12, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.8117312   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7354 >>7384


Rudy is a lot more coherent and understandable when on the podcast than when giving interviews. I find his podcasts really enjoyable. This most recent one, #6 ,is the best so far, really ties things together and he TEARS into those 'screaming the loudest' all belonging to the CFR.

Anonymous ID: ce8313 Feb. 12, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.8117446   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7503 >>7664 >>7810 >>7891


POTUS is FORCING Congress to once again accept and assert their responsibility for declaring War.

They are so triple-fucked now.


True, and when I watch it slowed down, what I saw was her looking out over her caucus, some of whom forgot themselves and clapped FOR America a few times (she shot them control glares), but she lost control, not only of them but the whole situation. She has failed so thoroughly and utterly in front of not only America but the entire world.

She has failed her MASTERS, most importantly (to her). That is why she was choked up, not only with rage (playbook doesn't work anymore) but with real fear. She has to answer to them. And since POTUS threw their playbook into a vat of acid, it won't work, no matter what they decide to do.

All their plans… FOILED

All their comms… COMP'D

All their lackeys… some are TALKING

All their leverage… SLIPPING AWAY

All their media control…. becoming more USELESS by the day

The People are waking up!

All those seeds POTUS planted during the '16 election season in the rallies, gently watered and tended… all those memes we made and spread (seeds + fertilizer) have sprouted and have in many, many people 'broken through the veil between unconscious to conscious mind.

>It's like a million people, all at once, slapping their foreheads and saying "I can't believe these people! What liars!"

As evidenced by the "expert" on Watters' World who said that Q PEOPLE ARE ACROSS PARTY LINES

10% believe Q is a GOOD THING

We have reached the tipping point and beyond.


Simultaneously, behind the scenes, /ourbelovedguys/ have been kicking ass and taking names.

All these years of frantic projection 'The noose is closing in, it will be any day now" is starting to hurt them more and more.

They are realizing that they are running out of options and the noose really IS closing in on them.


I LOVE this Plan!

I LOVE this movie!

What a time to be a live!

Thank you, Q+ I've never had so much fun in my life.


>pic related is something a lady on twitter drew, I'm going to color it up and post it, hopefully someone will post it to her later. Might make her day. Real talent out there - beauty, goodness and RIGHT.



Anonymous ID: ce8313 Feb. 12, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8117552   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Freakishly accurate!



He is likely one of the most difficult people to interview because he wants to finish his thought. I hate the modern interview format - like 2 minutes or less, it's maddening for everyone - host, guest and audience.

Anonymous ID: ce8313 Feb. 12, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.8117672   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Oh, I'm sorry.



It seems to me that while we have learned some comms, others we still struggle with, some are so right in our faces but not being implemented to their fullest capacity like


The Great Awakening


POTUS has repeated it

KellyAnn has repeated it

Q has repeated it


"we are talking directly to this board"


There are a lot of graphics already made on The Great Awakening, more can be made, in different languages, styles and whatnot to appeal wider and further.

The Great Awakening is for everyone because everyone wants to be FREE.


What can we do to "educate and calm the masses before and during the storm"?

Some of the Awakening is unpleasant

>difficult truths will soon see the light of day

a lot is immensely positive, uplifting and hopeful for a concretely BETTER future

>the best is yet to come

→ also repeated many times by POTUS, KellyAnn and Q!!


Some of the implementation of the Great Awakening will be destructive

>burn this diseased, corrupt temple to the ground!

>replace the failed, corrupt political establishment

includes media and many failed and destructive policies

but also destroying many illusions of the still sleeping masses…

The destruction will be followed by glorious rebirth (rebuilding): healthy, wholesome, good and normal - uplifting of ALL across the artificial barriers, and our world can heal and thrive.


I feel like Cassandra sometimes…