Anonymous ID: 93ad21 Feb. 12, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.8118528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have to vent. Never cared about "politicians" in general. Used to just laugh them all off.

ONLY because of POTUS, VERY begrudgingly voted Straight R, including local politicians in ’18. (Until POTUS in ’16, ignored it all due to PA. location/vote not counting.)

So, ran into some “R” Campaigners recently and asked if there was anyone challenging the Entrenched sludge who apparently got the seat due to his (very established) brother getting sick. They told me that POTUS will endorse the clown anyway because "opponent has no chance”.

Well I guess NOT! Looked the guy up and he’s getting the Expected Treatment - par for the course being on the Wrong Side of The State with ZERO legit media:

Bucks Co. GOP Denounces Congressional Candidate

The Bucks County Republican Committee accuses Andrew Meehan of discriminatory social media posts and a history of dishonesty.

…The committee also appears to be referencing Facebook posts like one in which Meehan says "I am one of your 'nazis' " and appears to mock "african americans that opt to stay on the government plantation where they belong."

…Meehan said the comments are being taken out of context and that he was attacking the attitudes of some people on the political left. "The problem with using these examples to attack me is the implicit assertion that the people they are intending to convince that I'm a racist or a Nazi are too stupid to understand the context in which I made them," Meehan said on his website. "Apparently, Fitzpatrick thinks his constituents are semi-literate rubes."

"After their worst Republican election losses in 30 years, the failing Bucks County Republican Party has 'denounced' me!" he wrote. "Just like Brian Fitzpatrick denounced President Trump during the 2016 Presidential election and refused to vote for him. I must be doing something right!"


From the candidate’s website: Now that all of those shadow, out-of-context attacks are out of the way, I challenge Fitzpatrick to debate me on his records of higher taxes, more Middle East wars, biological men in women’s sports, open borders, sanctuary cities, funding for Planned Parenthood, and his disloyal attacks on our President.


Surely this happens everywhere, but most people are oblivious.

Can't ask POTUS not to endorse the entrenched scum if he must… God! I hate the media (1st) and Closet Commie puppet "politicians" almost as much.