Anonymous ID: ad908d Feb. 12, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.8118722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8736 >>8767

My Dear Fellow Anons;


It should be crystal clear to us all by now that we are the cutting edge in this information war.


It has been that way for sometime now, but now that we were directly targeted by the NYT OP ED hit piece by jewess Michelle Goldberg is an absolute confirmation of that fact.

We are here to help support Q & POTUS save the Republic. By proxy we are also saving the world form those who wish reduce us down to 500 million easily managed race mixed light shit skinned slaves, then kill those survivors off as well to have the entire planet & all the shekels to themselves.

They have been at this plan of theirs for 1000's of years. We know their tools, we've learned all their weapons.

Q has on several occasions reiterated the importance of Unity within our ranks. We are not a military unit but we have hammered out a semblance of organizational skills that very few other places on the web can lay claim to.

We have digfags memefags & Prayerfags as our 3 main units. Beyond that we have several variants of Autists. Many are just lurkers but a few that are those glorious 1 posters that help all of us refocus sometimes.

Then we have fags manning the ovens that bake us breads, not dissuaded the least from knowing most of the loaf they take out for us is going to be shitposts & shilling.

We have fags that gather & twaat out the memes,fags that assemble QMaps, history fags religion fags planefags ..etc..

Amazingly enough with all the shillotry, Pelicanfagging, AIMfagging, Freddy, Ebot Tiresias the Tranny, Animefags, PostOffice fags and the omnipresent JIDF kikeshills and all other various forms of fuckery they try and throw at us, DDoS included; we have amassed 12,000 threads of research & memes & that, in and of itself, is remarkable,& I omit the previous incarnation at half chan & CBTS, for such a seemingly chaotic diverse assembly of fags ever gathered.



(((They))) have used Divide & Conquer as an MO for Eons, they are very adept at it.

However (((They))) have hit a snag-and a mighty one at that. An Army of Anons. They underestimated our reach, bigly. The Hive Mind is something they never expected to grow organically, borne of the Indefatigable Human Spirit that resides here, in what (((They))) have called the cesspit of the Internet. It may well be a cesspit, but it's Our Cesspit. We will defend our cesspit, till our last keystroke.


The Chan & Kun Anons always win because we ALWAYS adapt. We lose our focus easily but we also refocus easily. Sure we need a Q nudge periodically. As our numbers grow, we try our best to accommodate our newfags, to varying degrees of success. They are told to lurk n learn but the temptation to retain their fame or status from faceberg or plebbit is strong & many are redressed & most in a fashion that gives their "feels" a needed shakeup. Some come in here & attempt to impose their authority and quickly learn Anons are not too fond of authority, in any way shape or form, at least in here.


Some are offended by Chan Culture; however they are too brainwashed to realize it's a product of a lifetime of daily assaults by Cultural Marxism & Feminism & all of their enshrined programs meant to rob them of their ability to think critically & think outside of the slavery box the enemy so desperately needs to jam us into for their fuckery to be efficient at oppressing us.


Hollywood movies & TV shows should have desensitized them years ago, but they look the other way and ignore the filth on their screens. Then they come in here & act offended that we hurl insults at each other ALL the time.

But that is not a wasted effort.


It thickens an Anons' skin. With that armor we can then dodge & parry all the shit the likes of David Brock's army of effeminate faggots throw at us & laugh while doing it. We quickly shift our efforts when necessary to counter any & every new threat. We have learned all the enemy's tricks & recognize them in an instant.

We are battle hardened veterans.


Through it all however is the one Golden Thread that unites us all. We love Freedom, we love our children and we would give our lives to ensure their safety from the hordes of Communist Predators & Perverts that would ever try to lay a hand on them. We are winning this Information War & we witness the enemy's desperation grow daily. I pray daily that we continue this mission's success against the satanic pedo scum that have enslaved us through usury & spent their entire existence insulting & blaspheming God in service of their pagan gods & pursuit of fame/wealth and power.

Take a bow Anons, you deserve a little recognition.

That's enough; now get back to work crushing the enemy, you glorious fags!