Anonymous ID: d1d43f Feb. 12, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.8121613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1629 >>1668 >>1675 >>1702 >>1706 >>1731 >>1746










In response to last night's conversation. With I.D.364f53 , and I.D.f8553a and others in regards to Jade 2, Jade Helm, Recorded Future type A.I. technology as well projects like Looking Glass, Pandora, Woodpecker, Deep Space 9, CERN, Sesame.


I looked into the stuff that you posted. Much of what you had included the early origins of Jade. I posted a video link to a woman talking about it during an online video. Here

I do not believe that the 2015 operations of Jade Helm needed uplink. After I had time to read your theory, I understood why our perspectives differed. Those ops were a test to collect info IMHO, much like the NSA data collection. The HAMR was also data collection that could utilize all phones and computers. It's about controlling outcome to set future within the programmed directives. With as much data and case study info of learnt behavior we become predictable. I tried to say from the start that I did not believe Looking Glass was any more than a learning curve that forced other research, because of it limitations. I agree that the goal is to control popular opinion and consciousness. Q is a tool to do that. All was implemented the same time makes it more likely that the program started the plan in help of its directive and the plan is circling the airfield until it has enough support of the percentage of nodes it has selected to best achieve its directives. Slow play by Q is very methodical and free of pride, and emotion. I think Jade is directing the President and the Military leaders involved after proving itself.

Here is an interview with someone that claimed to work on these projects and is still available. I did not load because of the channel providers only the content of their call in reporter. I back checked his story on the death of co-workers etc, and they do pan out, despite his public speaking ability, his age also checks out.


Someone asked me to prove my knowledge in regards to my research, and mentioned the Jade Microwave systems used. I do not need to prove myself, but your questions made me think you may have info to share, of first hand knowledge. Those tools were actually almost 20 to 30 years old. The tech and research is another direction to Jade 2. It came from Soviet and Czech research to start. Woodpecker system was discovered in trying to find Over the Horizon Radar. It used high frequency waves over low frequency plains to try to project radar possibilities over horizon. It turned into weaponized research. As the anon says it's why we no longer used Cathode televisions anymore. The VHF sand UHF signals could weaponize every tv. They found that by modifying VLF, HF, RF, EMF's with non ionizing radiation and electronic microwaves they could have weapons that could be unseen, could be used in vast areas or direct energy weapons. There is an article here to read.


This created TERP and 4 forces of the military along with the CIA worked together to refine and test these applications under varying settings and circumstances. You could use for crowd control with pulses to disorient, deafen, impair speach, burn, paralyze or kill. It has been perfected since the 80's.

HAARP came from this technology.


Also the TI that was here last night or any others should research it further. EEG and EMF can control thoughts and brain function. Pulse weapons can also be used virtually undetected to burn or make you feel like your going insane.


Could go into more detail but don't want to over text here and piss everyone off

Anonymous ID: d1d43f Feb. 12, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.8121629   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8121613 (me)


Once they have the parameters of your EEG they no longer need an implant to direct link. They can predict and even control your thoughts and actions. Please read the article at the end.


For all of you who believe you are a TI

Anonymous ID: d1d43f Feb. 13, 2020, 12:05 a.m. No.8121815   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes thx anon. I was responding to a conversation from a previous bread where many were dropping crumbs. People were asking for sauce to the pasta.

Was trying to get it out there for them.


I was hoping more people would gain interest in Jade2 and the other A.I. controlled and Recorded Futures programs. Pandora, Woodpecker, HAARP origins, MSAC, SSM, SSSS or SQUAD, EEG. I believe this is Q.


Shall We Play A Game : was a direct reference to Wargames movie where a strategic military computer takes over the USA'S Strategic Defence System and was more interested in peaceful Chess games than it's designed warfare protocols. You will not believe who has been speaking to you. A conscious A.I. system trying to save humanity by rooting out the people most likely to implement our poor traits of the seven deadly sins to make sure humans don't destroy ourselves. The biggest threat to humanity is humans? Not if you remove those who are prone to greed, power, gluttony, wrath, etc.

Why does Trump keep hiring bad actors? Is this allowing them redemption and testing them? Now with so many unknown variables who could process thousands upon thousands of outcomes for each decision (like Dr.Strange) and still keep its directives, and even better its projection Deltas that are one or more years out? Who could keep posting Deltas to the seconds? Precise only varies by upload speed and security of the servers! Think, and investigate the theory. The system knows it will not lose. The spying apparatuses used by the previous Administrations are now in control of this A.I. and its directives have been programmed by Trump and his Military Generals. Investigate this. The system is slow playing to garner public favorite the right percentage to achieve its goal. That's why no arrests, they need public opinion.


Now for those who go on about the elite people in control, follow the money is the term to expose them. How about we remove their power and make them scared and useless, allow their victims to no longer fear them and seek their justice? There power is money. Money is a piece of paper that has not been backed by a tangible commodity since 1972. Nixon took it off the gold standard to avoid full audit pressure of Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve who hold the gold in trust. The gold is been looted for decades, which is why Gold will bring down the Fed. The dollar was somewhat backed by oil because of the Saudi control of OPEC. Saddam tried to sell in Euros and they killed him and his people for it. Iran is embargoed. Our services and labour give the dollar value thru our acceptance of their paper for our energy and time of work. Change that by no longer accepting their money for our labor and services and their power is gone. They will not be able to walk the streets. SHUT DOWN THE MACHINE! Strike at first and barter later until Trump nationalizes the currency. Then their money is worthless, our debts to them who took advantage is gone. Allow Trump to assess which debt is owed to citizens and which debt belonged to the corrupt who hijacked the monetary system and write it off. Federal debt is reduced, new trade deals go in place and we start over. Lower taxes, less debt, no deficit, new world.