Footage of what appears to be armed Military heard shooting civilians in China
>Footage of what appears to be armed Military heard shooting civilians in China
>I do not think Trump will move to prop them up one bit. And I am not sure the Globalist have enough muscle anymore to prop the Chinese Communist up if they start falling.
I agree. What I never considered was the wild card of an outbreak being involved.
That's why the title says Footage of what appears to be armed Military HEARD shooting civilians in China, anon.
I'm not sure if this as it appears, but it feels real to me.
This is fantastic. Thanks anon.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos buys $165-million Los Angeles mansion owned by David Geffen, reports say
Could Geffen be strapped for cash due to POTUS EO on human abuse?
Amen, anon. God bless you as well.
Got you covered, anon.