Do you guys ever feel physically ill after talking with people?
I've just about had it. I can't fucking stand stupid people. I seclude myself as it is because I would rather go months without human contact than have to be locked in a conversation with someone so absolutely stupid who thinks their opinion is important.
Why can't people live with whom they choose to live with? I don't want to live around minorities anymore. I know some are brilliant, but the overwhelming about of ignorant minorities is making me physically ill. I want to vomit. I see how easily manipulated they are and I don't see them as anything more than automatons. A part of me feels bad for feeling this way and a part of me wants to go full sieg heil and remove them from this planet.
Are we even doing the right thing trying to save them from annihilation? I'm being serious? Entropy is an unavoidable reality, I feel like it might be better just to get it over with. Less net suffering will be realized.