Anonymous ID: 3515ed Feb. 13, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.8122713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another day to identify, locate and expose ALL cabAl assets in your area!!

24/7 365 until ALL are gone.

This is War.


Anonymous ID: 3515ed Feb. 13, 2020, 5:26 a.m. No.8123238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260 >>3295 >>3306

I’m trying to quit smoking so you can all go fuck yourselves (no homo). 33 years is long enough, I need to live to help heal this world from decades of deception, degradation and murder by the Evergreen Rose Cross gang of Babylonian Masonic Kidfucking thieves. They enslave US with Central Banking debt bullshit, program our kids with garbage education, kill us with BS wars\poison and pervert US with Satanic Tavistock Clown culture/porn/pedophilia dreck. No more, they somehow programmed people to react violently to truth and facts. Every idiot normie democrat I know thinks the planet is dying, for the love of God expose the truth of this Climate change charade and that’s 75 percent of the “resistance”. Socialism is the product of Mystery Babylon teachings, it only works with a problem-reaction-solution play, they create problems so the masses beg for a solution, now that terrorism, economic decay have been exposed as frauds “Climate change” is all they have left to control the normie subconscious. People are waking up slowly but until this “save the planet” shit is handled the zombies will sacrifice themselves and their family to save the fucking polar bears, this subconscious programming is deep in these people and until it is exposed as bullshit it will prevent any kind of mass awakening. The GAIA based crystal New Age Wiccan Yoga baby-goat bullshit is just the same old Mystery school crap, they just re-package and market this shit over and over again. They only rule through deception and poison, these truths make it obvious that they will never win. There is so much doubt in these stupid kidfucking Morans that they have to continually change their methods, why? Because it is all bullshit and the highest up in these kidfucking cannibal cults KNOW IT! Just like the Egyptians fucking their own daughters and the Romans drinking lead poisoned wine or the Habsburgs turning into mutants they don’t have a chance because it is all RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT at the base of their being, knowledge, and faith. Technology was going to be their tool to finalize their “Great Work” of a cannibal kidfucker Utopia, well it isn’t gonna happen. They fucked themselves again like they always do, why? Because they are Sick and Stupid. The seed of doubt inside the highest of the highest ups in this asshole cult is flowering and growing and regardless of any initiation or oaths the subconscious lament is growing within them ALL, because after 6000 years and hundreds of manifestations of this Cult it is and always will be RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT.

Time to Harvest those seeds of doubt.