NXVIM is pronounced Nexium.
The only man that has reported on it is NYT
Possibly coming back from China. Suppose to be at a private residence for a dinner tonight but not leaving the WH until at least 7 pm.
You mean 00K (double O Kushner) :-)
There have been no pictures of him since he left maralago on Sunday. His publicly released schedule only said that he had lunch scheduled with Mattis and Pence the last 2 days and nothing else. He has barely tweeted and Un made an "unscheduled" trip to China. China just decided to negotiate trade deals with us after the tarriff announcement even though they were expected to start a trade war with us and crash the stock market. We are just speculating that POTUS could actually have been in China yesterday with Xi and Kim.
Putin very well could be!
Pictures were posted of then arriving at the golf course on I think Saturday. And allegedly he arrived home (WH) on Sunday but he could've gone to China straight from FL.
He is suppose to be at a private dinner and leave the WH after 7. Flight from Beijing to LAX is 13 hours so IDK if he will be on the radar still.
Brute Force
It means, 'I have no time to tweet bc I am catching a plane to China to meet with Kim Jung In and Xi.'
Its his second meeting there that we know of.