The CIA being dissolved hinders the IRS greatly.
The CIA was the information asset to the IRS.
And the FBI was the enforcement arm.
With the reform, the IRS is left without power, and being based in PR instead of USA….
Tariffs are the constitutional tax.
Irony of conservatives winning control to imprison commies in prisons they built for us.
The point of the census is to tally citizens and non citizens (assuming they are legal right). Only citizens should be counted for public programs and shit.
I have dodged the census since they took the CITIZEN STATUS question off…. It's the ONLY bit of info they are entitled to.
Last census asked about home loan and finance questions. NO WAY anyone gets that info.
All your phone records are belong to us…
Dual Tone Multi Frequency tones have each row and column assigned a separate frequency.
Normal phones do not use the 4th column (highest freq column) .
These buttons are historically assigned as A, B, C, D tones.
They are still in use today in DTMF switching systems (as well as radio use)
It is scary to see and you cannot unsee this stuff.
The biggest scare factor about such a clash is dragging these nasty bodies into a ditch, you would have to get close enough to smell and possibly get infected.
Other than these points, a clash would be a pleasurable experience considering my expertise and equipment.
Clarify = "At decision making levels"
If your loyalty is not USA only, working in our government should be considered as a TRAITOR.
I would fully back such changes too.
Fine with dual citizens, but not INSIDE the government at ANY level.
They have a longtime partnership!
Some good read&info for anons if interested about cookoo kikery.