POTUS is already using the military to get things done
ORDER https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-memorandum-secretary-defense-3/
critical technology item shortfalls affecting domestic production of trusted advanced photomasks are critical to national defense.
RESPONSE https:// www.acq.osd.mil/se/initiatives/init_micro.html
Recently the rapid year-over-year improvement in semiconductor technology and SoCs has begun to slow. The cost of process and equipment upgrades has become very expensive, causing state-of-the-art foundry operations to consolidate into a few large international companies. Increasingly, foundry operations reside in Asia. As a result, the lack of long-term availability of U.S.-based trusted foundry services for advanced nodes has become a concern and an impediment to DoD innovation and ASIC development.
ORDER https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidential-memorandum-secretary-defense-4/
critical technology item shortfalls affecting thin-wall castings for military applications are critical to national defense.
RESPONSE http:// www.federalgrants.com/DPA-Title-III-Thin-Wall-Castings-for-Military-Applications-Project-54475.html
Phase 1 effort is to maintain, modernize, and expand existing domestic, economically viable, merchant supplier production capabilities in the manufacture of complex, large, multi-core magnesium and aluminum sand casting products for rotorcraft platforms.