Dreaming of a currency reset?
I don't think it will happen unless there is some way to protect EVERYONE from the worst effects.
One possibility would be for the government to seize ownership of all real property in the USA. All land and buildings and condominium arrangements would now below to a US Property Bank. Nobody would be evicted. Nobody would be foreclosed out of a home in the traditional sense of having to abandon it. All you would lose is ownership, but possession would be guaranteed. People with no home would be given possession of homes that are empty. That is not YOUR second home any more, it is now the property of the US Property Bank. It is not YOUR investment condo or timeshare. It belongs to the US Property Bank. Homes not being lived in will be given to those who have none.
This will even out the inequality in economic condition in the USA. As for currency holding, whatever happens to those, you will take the benefit or the loss. Chances are most people will APPEAR TO LOSE but remember if a currency is devalued, a smaller number of dollars has a higher economic value.
Connected to this there needs to be some kind of food stamp program for those who end up destitute, which could happen due to job loss during the chaos. Good news is that if all your neighbors have a roof over their heads and food for their families, nobody will be in the streets rioting.
Yes, the wealthy have the most to lose, but they also benefited the most from the criminal conspiracy so this is poetic justice. They will at least be able to choose which of their residences to keep. And corporate entities will lose ownership of their buildings but still maintain the right to possess them and use them for their business.
I don't see any other way to do a currency reset.
However, as far as I know Trump never said there would be a currency reset. There are other more gradual ways to shift from one currency base to another, from one banking system to another. Remember when Savings and Loans operated alongside traditional banks?