I think I have a very juicy read for you.
Why does Q put things in [brackets]?
I know we know it as a killbox, but what exactly does that mean?
What's its purpose?
What about the markers? [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
To understand what I'm going to hypothesize, you need to first understand how secret societies work.
How do you connect multiple players over space and time around the same ideological, and social goals?
That's in effect what secret societies like Skull and Bones, Masons, and even fraternities and other 'fellowship' programs do.
They instill their members with symbols, handshakes, 'secrets' and other connecting pieces of information.
When a new inductee gains access to this information its as if an entire world of information is revealed to them.
They can begin to see, understand, and act within the meta framework of the symbols each ss provides.
Q and the great awakening are very similar to this. We're a secret society that's turned itself upside down.
It's private, but very public. In order to participate you need to lurk to even understand the language, and the metaphors used.
It's a very cohesive group of people rallied around various symbols that have sprung from the groups collectivization of intent.
And that intent has been to seek truth.
And Q has exploited that but giving us just that.
Truth. Encouragement to pursue what we already knew.
That the world is controlled through these meta systems of fellowship, these secret societies.
Well Q aims to replace them.
Don't believe me? How would you know an anon in the world if the internet went down tomorrow?
If you're an oldfag enough, if you've been around well before Q you know what our fall back is.
4 of clubs.
Just an example. Look at winning back pepe with peepee, look at all the closed pools, look at gamergate and what it did to us.
We've created a culture that no one can understand. We're the modern day Navajo code talkers lol.
It takes time and effort to put forth the effort to understand anonymous chan culture.
And that acts as a filter of sorts to make sure the casual and the simps don't spoil the pool.
So back to the markers.
We've been digging Q drops for almost 3 years now.
That means we have 3 years of experience digging the individual drops. Focusing on each one and pulling the relevant data and connections out that we can.
But what about the meta?
What is meta? In a word, it's transcending.
Information that in the singular represents an entire set of data that informs. Obfuscation of the individual for clarity of the collectivized.
I believe the [killbox] is just that. The metadata for the collective drops spread through time.
So lets try to prove this:
[1] first occurs with drop 498 on 7 Jan 2018
On that date there were several drops that use this marker, and most of them appeared to be working to establish a proof with POTUS twat.
But this being the first year for use of markers, it appears Q is attempting to establish the players in the classified investigation that can't otherwise be talked about.
drop 524 establishes that
[1] = Hussein
[2] = He who has no name
[3] = HRC/BC
[4] = NP
With that established, drops going forward can have names subbed for the markers.
Drop 718 implies that [1] Hussein targeted those 71 souls that died on the Russian plane crash.
Q then goes on to explain that [1]Hussein had a source that was used for [2] Mcstain. Is there someone on that plane that connects Hussein and Mcstain?
The next instance of [1] occurs with drop 740 on Feb 11 2018.
It implies that prisons are being created and prepared to hold those arrested.
[1] Hussein to be arrested?
Well, drop 1068 goes on to say day [1].
We know from other drops that the first arrest will set the tone for everyone.
Considering the 2018 use of marker [1], who would that imply is the first arrest?
The next drop, 1376, implies that [1] Hussein made a speech, a speech that resulted in the 187 of someone.
Who was that someone? What is the other meta data of that drop? That drop was about the death of Officer Familia.
This is the first time there's a real actionable item we can go seek to prove this.
When did Officer Familia die?
What speeches did [1] Hussein give around that time frame?
Anything anomalous about it? Any code, symbols or references that would imply a go order to murder the police officer?
Why was the police officer murdered? (Wiener?)
I'll leave you with this one note:
I believe the markers change from year to year.
For 2018 the markers established the players 1-4. Then they expanded on the player's activities through the year.
My next post will discuss the 2019 markers.
And then finally the disturbing 2020 markers.
If I'm even remotely right, we're in for quite the show in the next few months.