Anonymous ID: c2c0b4 Feb. 13, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.8126481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Great Swine Flu Epidemic Of 1976, a nothingburger in terms of how many people were actually died. The Government was claiming it was going to be as bad or worse than the Spanish Flu of 1918, which was a true pandemic that reportedly infected about one-quarter of the population. Estimates are 10-20% of people it sickened later died from the Spanish Flu..


How many people died from The Great Swine Flu Epidemic Of 1976? Just one? The person the deep state used to try and start their intended epidemic? In fact, many more people died from the vaccine than the swine flu.


Transcript from 60 Minutes on Nov 4, 1979, Wallace had vaccine victim Judy Roberts on his show. They stated there were 300 deaths from the swine flu vaccine, but not the total number of people who were harmed either temporarily or permanently by the vaccine. Over 4,000 victims were known to have had come forward by the show’s airing.


Wallace had some doctors on too, one was former CDC in charge of the vaccination program. Surprise! He warned his superiors the vaccine had serious problems but they didn’t care then lied about him warning them. Sound familiar?


Qanon has warned the cabal will try anything to evade justice, would they run the huge FF of a ZOMG ‘pandemic’? Trick people into demanding the injection of dangerous vaccines into their bodies? The cabal wants to ‘depopulate’ the planet, how better to do that than by a killer vaccine?


We’ve seen this play out before, keep using logical thinking. Only accept evidence that could be used in courts instead of the claims of people who may be comped/threatened into now doing the will of the cabal. Where’s the proof of how many people are actually being sickened and dying from the coronavirus? Court proof would be medical tests, autopsies, evidence like that.


DJT tweeted that the coronavirus will weaken and go away as the temperatures warm. I trust President Trump a hell of a lot more than I trust online fear mongers.