Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.8128415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8432 >>8452 >>8534


But blame it on the U.S…Thank God for Trump


Global warming, mental illness, and Greta Thunberg


After traveling across the United States and parts of Canada, Greta Thunberg, the sixteen-year-old Swedish climate activist, has set sail back to Europe.


This time, she's hitching a ride with an Australian couple sailing around the world in a 48-foot catamaran called La Vagabonde, chronicling their travels on YouTube.


La Vagabonde will take roughly three weeks to reach Spain, where Thunberg hopes to arrive in time for the next round of United Nations–sponsored climate talks.


Without a doubt, Thunberg's travels across North America, which included angrily lecturing world leaders at the United Nations, have gained her fame and notoriety. This is reminiscent of another child, anti-gun activist David Hogg, being elevated to celebrity status overnight. Both Hogg and Thunberg have been honored not because either has any insights, but because they are fresh faces useful in advancing leftist causes.


Thunberg's case is the stranger of the two. She is not only a child leading the man-made climate change parade, but a mentally ill one at that. As Thunberg herself has repeatedly stated, she suffers from Asperger's syndrome, classified as a mental disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), along with several other mental conditions.

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.8128518   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Poor kid is being used,..They don't have a conscience…AS Proof…Just watch Any of the LYing FKing MSM News/Channel's…


Delingpole: Greta Thunberg’s Dad Writes Her Facebook Posts


Greta Thunberg doesn’t write her own Facebook posts. They are largely written for her by grown-up environmental activists including her father Svante Thunberg and an Indian delegate to the U.N. Climate Secretariat called Adarsh Pratap.


The truth emerged as a result of a Facebook glitch revealed by Wired. A bug made it briefly possible to see who was really running the accounts of celebrity puppets like Greta.


As Michael Smith News reports:


With thanks to Wired – and the code-writers at Facebook!

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:41 p.m. No.8128571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>3 months old


IGNORANT FKer..No matter how old.. That doesn't make it relevant….Bet you never read a history Book…Try it just once…DUMMY

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.8128623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8658

US charges Huawei with RACKETEERING & attempting to steal American trade secrets


The US Justice Department has issued a new indictment against China’s telecommunications giant that is likely to further strain relations between Beijing and Washington. Huawei is now accused of stealing American technologies.


The indictment filed in the federal court in Brooklyn, New York, states that Huawei conspired to steal trade secrets from as many as six US companies, including router source code, cellular antenna and robotics technologies.


The Justice Department says the actions were part of the company’s “decades-long” practice of “misappropriating” sophisticated US technologies through “fraud and deception.”


The DoJ indictment claims that Huawei uses confidential agreements with US companies to access their trade secrets and use them to the company’s own benefit.


In one example, the Chinese tech giant is accused of sealing the source code for an unnamed company's routers and using that code in its own products. The indictment also accuses a Huawei employee of surreptitiously taking photographs in the middle of the night of the circuitry of a device on display at a trade show.


The DoJ also claims Huawei ran a program financially rewarding employees who managed to steal confidential information from its competitors.


The fresh charges against the Chinese telecommunications behemoth come amid the ongoing pressure and intimidation campaign by Washington aimed at discouraging its allies from using Huawei’s technology in developing ultra-fast 5G mobile networks.


While the Trump administration insists that the company poses a “security risk” due to its supposed affiliation with Beijing, many of Washington’s allies – including the UK, India, Portugal and the EU – have defied the US fear-mongering, providing Huawei access to their markets. The Chinese company itself has denied all the allegations, accusing the US of unfair competition.

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.8128674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8815

US Navy seizes cache of ‘Iranian manufactured’ weapons in Arabian Sea – Pentagon (PHOTO, VIDEO)


A US Navy ship seized 150 ‘Dehlavieh’ anti-tank guided missiles after boarding a dhow in the Arabian Sea on Sunday, the Pentagon claimed.


The weapons seized by the USS Normandy were reportedly components “of Iranian design and manufacture,” including three Iranian surface-to-air missiles, thermal imaging weapon scopes and other munitions and advanced weapons parts.


JUST IN: US Navy says it boarded a dhow in @CENTCOM AOR on 2/9 discovered a large weapons cache of "Iranian design & manufacture," including 3 surface-to-air missiles, munitions & advanced weapons parts. Video of boarding here:

— W.J. Hennigan (@wjhenn) February 13, 2020


The Pentagon said the weapons were “identical” to cargo seized by the US last November, which had been bound for Yemen's Houthi rebels in violation of a UN Security Council Resolution.


The statement said the vessel was boarded “in accordance with international law” while the US Navy was “conducting maritime security operations” in the area.

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.8128716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Draining The Swamp: US Attorney Jessie Liu Resigns After Trump Pulls Nomination


US attorney Jessie Liu had been nominated for a top Treasury Department job but her nomination was pulled after key things came to light about her involvement with previous cases. She ran the office that oversaw Roger Stone’s prosecution, but the case that is drawing attention is another one involving US Senators (see below).


CNN is trying to push the narrative that the decision pull Liu’s nomination had to do with her oversight of the Roger Stone and Andrew McCabe cases. It’s much deeper than that (see below).


Jessie Liu, who previously headed the US attorney’s office in Washington, submitted her resignation yesterday.

Anonymous ID: ab2f70 Feb. 13, 2020, 4 p.m. No.8128768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As opposed that Lying FKing racial Bitch Hillary that has been using Black People for Years…Just how FKing ignorant are U…Wait don't answer that we know kek


Hillary Clinton's Racist Joke


During a talk about political correctness, Hillary Clinton joked about Black people all looking alike.