Anonymous ID: a66948 Feb. 13, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.8131538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1608



My guess is that a comped SC Justice being exposed will be the tipping point. That will be the 'blow it up and start over' moment for the normies, where military tribunals are put in place until the civilian system is revamped and everyone is good with it.


Barr and POTUS are using a laser pointer to get the normies to focus on the court system. The US system, as it is now, is useless for a normie because anyone with deep pockets can ruin you with legal fees just because they can. Guilt or innocence, blind justice, etc., no longer exist. That reality has to be blasted front & center 24/7. I think that campaign is underway now.

Anonymous ID: a66948 Feb. 13, 2020, 10:13 p.m. No.8131654   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't think Bloomberg is going anywhere. He the dem's Daddy Warbucks. Dem's are broke otherwise, and have no say in the matter. My take, anyway.


What's Bloomberg worth? $117b or so? His MO is that he buys up any competition to viable threats. The $150 a meme program is a good example.


If Bloomberg himself can't get the nomination because he's way too unlikable to be even respected or trusted, he'll just fuck up the other dem campaigns to make sure no one gets a majority of delegates, then pick his puppet at the convention.


Only glimmer of hope for Bloomberg I hold out on is that he's actually working with POTUS to sabotage the dems. I mean, if you needed a fifth column inside the dem organization to fuck it up, how would you do it any differently than what Bloomberg is doing now?