Yes. Some people are just thick in the head. I you count the spaces & characters in his tweet, HE ONLY HAD 2 CHARACTERS LEFT after the M. He figured we were all SMART enough to figure out he was talking about the Military. FFS obviously some are totally overthinking this.
First of al, if you think 14 months is a "long" period of time, you are waaaay off on that one. 2nd, it's really none of your business who or what we believe in. It is the REASON THIS BOARD WAS CREATED. Go find your own people instead of trying to come here & change everything. You don't believe, we do. Get over it & move on. Our Pres. ain't going nowhere, by the way.
Agree. Beat it if you want porn you freak. There's plenty of places for you to find that. Fuck off & eat a bag of dicks. Faggot.
I don't have to defend anything I do to the like of you. I'm not obsessed with any "big" arrests. You know nothing. Need us to call you a waaaaaaambulance? How about some cheese with that whiiiine? You're a shrill, hysterical little person & you're getting on my last nerve. In case you haven't noticed, THIS IS A QRESEARCH Board, mmmmk?