ZH-CN 盎格鲁•撒克逊计划
(Anglo-Saxon Project)
Illuminati meeting in 'City of London' 2005 insider source
Took quick notes on vid link above for minute dets
8:22 China getting too big
11:25 China gave nukes to Iran
15:00 release of biological weapon in China flu like virus, DNA race specific - plague from mutations. 'pandemic' then WW3.
19:17 Project Anglo Saxon Angle
22:50 Event sequenced driven, things in place before dominos fall
31:10 Jordan Maxwell talked on symbolism, images on 'dawn of a new day' - modern day New Ark event(2009 interview)(obama)
42:00 AngloSaxon plan source heard back in 1976
45:15 This whole thing is like a 'movie script'
47:10 Prediction vs prophesy
The "china has a cold" flu virus part of AngloSaxon Mission planned in 2005. Much of this went sideways when POTUS won, so they are sticking with same playbook.
http://projectcamelot.org/anglo_saxon_mission.html But some key words reminded me of similar lingo used in the Great Awakening.