Anonymous ID: e2e8db Feb. 13, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.8132175   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The same generation was boxed into Jerusalem by Rome until they were eating eachother. Mothers were eating their babies. Brutal scene. Read the collections of Eusebius from Origin's library. The Way was non-violent and overtook teh whole of Rome without swinging a sword. Only by carrying themselves with love and following The Way passed down by Yeshua and his disciples. Enter Constantine who attempted to save his empire by pretending to be a Christian and bastardizing The Way and making it illegal under penalty of death to disagree with what became known as the Roman Catholic(Universal) church. The Way was persecuted until Luther made headway and teh rest is fairly common knowledge. Modern society to a large degree is responsible for The Way not being fully embraced by Christians in today's world. The facts are the Christians aren't strong enough, they know what they are supposed to do. Temptation is just everywhere now. I'm closest to God when I tune out and spend time in the woods. If I start tripping over certain sins I'll just go camping for weeks at a time to recalibrate and pur the fear of God back in my life. Christians aren't perfect as many know, it's a battle. We are special though, for a number of reasons but none moreso than our ability to take the war to the enemy in the Spiritual world and our immunity to their attacks and spells. We can live fearlessly as we rsch and study the cult. The rest of you can't. Believe this is you want. Find Yeshua and armor up for battle with the rest of us. You wouldn't believe what you're missing.

Anonymous ID: e2e8db Feb. 14, 2020, 12:03 a.m. No.8132262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2293 >>2300 >>2345

I had sort of been thinking evergreen was just a joke about her staying alive as everyone else around her died. I just googled Evergreen Witches and a number of things came up involving evergreens and witches. "It is the tree traditional witches dance around" along w a number of other ways it's important to them. Might have something to do with it instead.