Anonymous ID: ed8fed Feb. 14, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.8134563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4607 >>4621

Bill Binny , Barbara Boyd and Dennis Speed


Extraordinary back channel discussion on the history (true origin) of the Stone trial, as far back as the Reagan administration, and what President Trump is attempting to correct by calling out the sentencing. It's big.

For those without time to listen 1.5 hour call:


Trump is calling us back into battle against the elite who would kill the planet, because the battle needs re-joined.

People relaxed when impeachment was finished.

This was not the battle.

It was (((their))) attempt to stop patriots and Trump from opening Ukraine investigations to expose the apparatus of the global elite and take them apart in order to free the world. Defense must switch to offense and the fight must continue, if I understand what is being said here.

The string to pull to unravel the GLOBAL elite is sitting in Ukraine.


It is about President Reagan the elites battle against Reagan's "Strategic Defense Initiative", (SDI) the elite battle against the space force, the moon to mars missions, and the harnessing of fusion power that has been denied to us by the elites for years, while (((they))) build a global corporate top down economic, banking, fascist governing machine capable of enslaving every nation.


This is bigger than Stone who stood next to Reagan while this SDI was first attempted. Stone knows where the bodies are buried on this one, and would not lie about President Trump about Russia collusion for the elite to save himself. Apparently he is being punished for a "Russian collusion" than never happened, so that they can put him away. His case is the "string to pull" to open this can of worms on the elite activities in Ukraine.


The true battle against the true enemy who are controlling the political puppets is still on, and the President is calling his supporters not to relax, but to stay in the battlefield and keep fighting.


Binney: Addressing the national committees of correspondence [CofC] on this call are discussing how to get Americans back on the Presidents battlefield to help with this fight.


Binney has entered Affidavit into the Stone case to open the can of worms so we can grab that string and "pull it".


Binney discusses the affidavits on the forensic signatures of

1) Gucifer 2 proof of framing the Russians using the Podesta emails, Gucifer 2 was a fraud and exibit A is the speed of the downloads. (He has discussed this before)

2) Evidence showing the original Gucifer 2 Podesta emails did not have the Russian signature. The fraudulent signatures were added at a later date?

3) From Vault 7 material: Recent evidence about the Marble Framework program used to "frame the Russians", which points the Gussifer 2 information back to the CIA where that Marble program resides.

4) The HAMMER program used to spy on multi-thousands of Americans, pointing back to Brennan and Clapper, and this group in the C_A using the Hammer to create some of the fraudulent signatures, and spy on Trump and many others pre candidacy.

The HAMMER program is an issue which Barr and Durham need to investigate.

The Hammer was set into a small pocket of the C_A known only by a handful of operators, Brennan, and Clapper.

Action was to spy on ALL possible persons of power, lawyers, judges, private powers like Trump and other business owners, Legislators, even Supreme Court Judges.

The objective was to eliminate challenges to the power structure as it garnered power around the world by swift elimination of persons who are adversaries of the unelected totalitarian globalist elites.


The Judge, in Rodger Stones case, refused to let the Binney forensic evidence into the court, which is finally happening now.

Binney said that now General Flynn and Rodger Stone are finally getting some due process, but Barr and Duram need to investigate this Judge and others involved in this case for corruption.


Other Topics….



Anonymous ID: ed8fed Feb. 14, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8134579   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Binney - Had Pompeo meeting on the Gussifer 2 fraud, and the deep state still in the state department that is covering for this fraud, thus lying to Pompeo and others about the actual evidence, and the "Russian hack" that never happened. (Pompeo was introduced to the affidavit evidence)


Censorship by

Youtube censorship regime. (results from the Russia gate fraud) controlled by the elites. Russia hack must be shown as the fraud it is.


Google: major intrusion by the elites, in terms of censorship


Facebook taking a lot of guff because of MZ refusal to censor at the moment.


We are monitored 24-7. People know this.


What is not being made clear to citizens is how much their thinking is being steered by the programs that are being put on their phones,and the platforms they are using to get information.


(I take it they are creating the committees of correspondence in the real world off line to do an end run around censorship, rapid education of the public, and create real boots on the ground as the founders did)


Binney - the internet companies are controlling the evidence and knowledge the populations can see, by omission of evidence and discussion, which controls what people think about issues, so that people do what they want them to do.


Government either needs to force them into the open about the shadow banning, or needs to break them up as monopolies. It is the same thing totalitarian states have done throughout history, making for an uninformed citizenry. Shadow blocking must not continue.


Whistle blower on the phone to Binney: On Julian, Wikileaks.

DOJ just came out with narrative that Wikileaks is part of ISIS. Possible purpose is to contaminate the Jury for Julian Assange if he is extradited for trial. recent report: CIA deep state might attempt to leak information to Wikileaks to damage Trump in the upcoming election. Binney: Key is to require basic evidence, just like the Russia case. Look for substance and facts that stand on their own.

Also Binney: Assange case remains a key test whether we will be able to get to the bottom of this corruption mess. They are attempting to silence and deep six Assange permanently.


Restoring the True American Economy as built by the Founders:

The citizenry needs to be educated about the economic system created by the founders back after the Revolution, because they do not understand the foundational economic processes that were built, compared to the fraudulent economic system of lies that is taught as "the economy" by the elites at the current time.


Boots on the Ground:

Discussions among those putting together new "committees of correspondence" [CofC] for further local work, like writing letters to the editor, pamphlets in cities and places of gathering, blogs etc. Americans are learning to move into active education of their fellow Americans, by gathering on group phone calls. Boots need put on the ground outside of the internet.


Recent example was the CofC use of pamphlets across the nation about Mueller connections to 911, previous cases of Mueller corrupt actions, that was able to change the way the nation looked at the Mueller report and other activities.

California starting up for public action, and I believe Oregon reporting in with recent success getting a memorandum of understanding that will restart the timber industry with forest management that was shut down by the green environmental movement. (It occurs to me that this kind of forest care using select cut multi species replant practices would stop a lot of CA fires and disease moving through genetically identical single species plantings. When healthy trees and forests are a business product, taxes to properly care for the forest are unnecessary, and people do not lose their homes).


Excellent discussion with a lot of detail.

Apparently there are a huge number of people on the call.

Binney speaking late Februray, ticket purchase required.


The goal is to dismantle the globalist apparatus which is an expanded process beyond internet participation with Q or other cyberspace movements. The expanded movement to remove the very real world evil elite power structure will require citizen coordination through phone, physical pamphlets and live conferences in the real world.


Excellent discussion.

Will post on Saturday, Sunday for weekend crowd with more time to listen and would want to get involved.

Anonymous ID: ed8fed Feb. 14, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.8134694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4757


>Even though Barbara Boyd & the LaRouche org pooh-pooh's Q


They do, but, I did not take it that they were poo-poohing out of disagreement. They were more worried about the possibility of failing to get real boots on the ground for the president, if Q passified people's desire to act on the Q drop info in the real world.


>What jumped out at me was that Binney met with Pompeo and what he said about that meeting and what he provided.


Yeah me too.

Binney works in all the arenas, real world government meetings, court cases, Q intelligence drop world, greater cyber world meetings and even monster group phone calls like this one.

He knows what we are up against is going to take outrageous organization and exposure of truth in every arena of reality.

Anonymous ID: ed8fed Feb. 14, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.8134756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think Binney would concur with you which is why he took the evidence to Pompeo that he had submitted to the court.

Question is this.

What happened that the Judge is suddenly forced to take Binney's information when she would not allow forensic information before?


Barr in the Background?

Anons need to stay on this case, open this can of worms, apparently, this is what POTUS is telling us.