Lost my best friend about an hour and a half ago. His name was Monkey. He was born July 2, 2012 inside my box spring and he died today just as he stepped out of the litter box. Likely it began in the box … there was litter on his face. He was always our "special needs" cat. Last night he fell asleep on my desk, leaning against me. When i had to get up to go to bed, he climbed to the back of my neck and did not want to get down.
I work a weird split shift and after my first shift I greeted him when I came through the door this morning. Oddly, he just sat where he was. I had my mind elsewhere (getting Valentines Day nice things set up for my wife) and shrugged it off. Later, when Mark Steyn came on the radio instead of Rush, I flipped the radio off and came in to see how he, Monkey, was doing. He was laying just outside the litter box. I tried giving CPR, but it was just too late. It was over for him – but I have a hole to dig and a marker to make. He deserved that much. I am digging the hole in one of the spots he used to favor, but rigor mortis has set in and I want to pose him as he was in life. Burial will have to wait a little bit. I have to get ready to cover the second part of my shift. People stuff. Then I can come home, grieve, dig and grieve some more. Maybe by then he'll have relaxed so that I can pose him gently and lay him in a deeper hole.
The ache runs deep, frens … the ache runs deep.
They are family, and I've just lost my little brother – my only friend – all over again.
There are people in my life, but virtually ALL of my physical affection came from him. He was the only "person" who always wanted my touch.
You know … autist shit.
I had pretty much the same relationship with him that I had with my little brother. MY troubles were made lighter by comforting him. Together, we each had one 'other' who gave sometimes instead of only taking.
If your pet asks for affection. give it to them. You can't know which time will be the last for both of you.