Planefag checking in. Good ole' 3:16 was out again today over 2Hunts"-ville. A SAM304 737 flew to Newport News (as best I could guess as it vanished before landing).
Planefag checking in. Good ole' 3:16 was out again today over 2Hunts"-ville. A SAM304 737 flew to Newport News (as best I could guess as it vanished before landing).
VV105 flew in from hawaii and VV106 went out towards Gitmo/Haiti, although I lost it West of The Bahamas. 00-01052 was running about again.
Moar on 00-01052 and GTMO844 set out for you-know-where.
Skies are empty on my ADS-B. Zilch, nada, nothing, nowt, bugger all.
We had to put a 13-year-old West Highland Terrier to sleep earlier this week. Casper had outlived all of his litter by at least 18 months and he would have had his 14th birthday in may. He began to shut down gradually at first, but slowed down dramatically in the last week. He was still clinging on but we felt it was best to let the old soldier rest. He had, as he had earned it. Yes, it hurts.. Westies usually only live 10 to 12 years and he had a really good life and his age reflects the care he had.
Semper Fi, Casper. o7