Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8137604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7634 >>7642 >>7643 >>7702 >>7847

STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions





& 5G

The Most Premeditated and Highly Organized

Depopulation Scheme in World History


Wuhan coronavirus pandemic STAGED to cover-up the public health crisis caused by the intensive 5G roll-out in Wuhan City in 2019


QUESTION: Is the bioengineered coronavirus pandemic being purposefully propagated globally in order to further facilitate the military deployment of 5G worldwide?

The answer to that critical question is of paramount importance to every person on the planet because of how forcefully the 5G juggernaut is moving across the land.


We all knew they were going to do something big—VERY BIG!


But the rapidly unfolding depopulation scenario that utilizes the Wuhan coronavirus, 5G, forced vaccinations and chemtrails is quite ambitious by any standard.

5G Roll-out


There’s nothing more sacred to the implementation of the New World Order agenda — WORLDWIDE — than the meteoric military deployment of 5G and subsequent build-out of the Internet of Things (IoT).


Truly, this absurdly impossible project represents the capstone of the nefarious NWO conspiracy to stealthily inaugurate a One World Government.


Nonetheless, the NWO globalist cabal has gone completely mad and they will try whatever they can to set up their long-planned Global Control Matrix, which requires a fully operational 5G energy grid as a prerequisite to a fully functioning Internet of Things.


Wuhan City was established as an official 5G Demonstration Zone in 2019. The Chinese government planned on using that major metropolis as a showcase for all the ‘dazzling’ benefits that a 5G energy grid is supposed to offer wireless IT users. Then they planned on setting up Wuhan City as an urban flagship for the Internet of Things.

Wuhan City Was expected to have 10,000 5G base stations operating by the end of 2019


Make no mistake about it: The activation of a major 5G energy grid in a megalopolis like Wuhan City will inevitably have HUGE health and environmental impacts.


The second they flipped the switch on 5G in Wuhan, the entire populace was immediately exposed to extremely harmful electromagnetic frequencies and microwave radiation.


In point of fact, the specific radio-frequency signal ranges and microwave radiation output necessary to power up a working 5G power grid are well known to be inordinately unsafe and dangerous to human health. As follows:

MILITARY INTEL REPORT Proves Government Has Known 5G Radio-frequency Ranges & Microwave Radiation Are Harmful to Human Health


Not only has the U.S. Military scientifically documented the adverse health effects associated with 5G (as well as 4G and 3G), there is now hard evidence that proves the U.S. Federal Government has knowingly lied about those numerous health hazards for decades. As follows:

Hard evidence proves US gov’t lied about 5G. Navy research report confirms numerous health dangers.


Which brings us to the single most perilous aspect of the military deployment of 5G—KILL ZONES.


All the scientific evidence available in the public domain now indicates that wherever 5G infrastructure is located in the greatest concentration generating the most powerful EMF and microwaves, those 5G Super-Hotspots will effectively function as kill zones. As follows:

5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!


In order to fully grasp the highly destructive and deadly potential of these rapidly emerging 5G Super-Hotspots, the following video exposé presents a scenario where the most powerful “directed energy weapons” will be located within these 5G kill zones.

5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8137642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7657



The most precarious aspect about the smartphone culture is that many Chinese are susceptible to psychogenic disease and illness, injuries and imbalances. Of course, these are not limited to physical conditions; they are also being subjected to directed frequencies which will cause serious psychological disorders. This may be exactly what’s going on right now in Wuhan where many folks might be triggered via their smartphones, particularly after the city-wide PTSD resulting from so much coronavirus uncertainty and inevitable mass anxiety.


It should also be noted that the countless techies in this type of IT society have never lost control like this. In view of the double whammy of the coronavirus scare and 5G activation, many have been through an unparalleled “shock and awe” experience. The resulting trauma has put many on edge—LITERALLY. Hence, it now appears that many folks in places such as Wuhan can be triggered quite easily via their smartphones without even knowing what’s happening. They can be walking along and suddenly just hit the ground; some even dying on the spot.


The upshot of this discussion is that the NWO controllers are pushing the edge of the envelope with regard to experimenting with sophisticated psychotronic weaponry that is both harmful and deadly. In the present case, Wuhan is their laboratory and the Wuhanese are the lab rats. There are other cities in China which are also being exposed to their own unique set of laboratory conditions.


China is also the premier national testing site for the infamous social credit score system– yet another oppressive control mechanism that the globalists will roll out worldwide when it has been perfected there. The fact that the Chinese government has colluded with the globalist cabal and permitted the citizenry to be abused in this way greatly contributes to the notion that Israel owns China — lock stock and barrel — just as the Zionist banksters did during the days of Red China.


Wuhan, China was specifically chosen to be ground zero for both the 5G roll-out and the coronavirus pandemic. No one can dispute that Wuhan City has been transformed into a desolate, dystopian 5G demonstration zone where the citizens are literally being used as guinea pigs. As far as the 5G scientists in Israel are concerned, all Chinese citizens are nothing but chattel and, therefore, usable (and expendable) in any 5G experiment they set up there.

Why is Huawei setting up 5G base stations all over Wuhan to help fight the coronavirus?


However, these cruel human experiments involve much more than 5G and the coronavirus; they also make use of chemtrails and specific types of industrial pollution generated throughout Hubei Province. China has a well established reputation for wanton environmental degradation, and Wuhan will surely become a post-apocalyptic wasteland when they are finished with it. See: What in the world are they spraying all over Wuhan City?


Known as “China’s Thoroughfare”, Wuhan occupies a very special place in Chinese history as well as in regard to the astonishing economic boom occurring since the mid-1970s. Whatever happens in Wuhan can deeply affect the rest of the nation as the coronavirus panic has graphically demonstrated. It’s as though the producers of this ‘disaster movie’ quite intentionally chose the capital of Hubei Province to be the epicenter of their NWO horror flick so that all of China would tune in. And so they have!


Wuhan today is considered the political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural and educational center of Central China.[17] It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to other major cities.[23] Because of its key role in domestic transportation, Wuhan is sometimes referred to as “the Chicago of China” by foreign sources.[3][4][5] The “Golden Waterway” of the Yangtze River and its largest tributary, the Han River, traverse the urban area and divides Wuhan into the three districts of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge crosses the Yangtze in the city. The Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest power station in terms of installed capacity, is located nearby.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8137657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7664





Undoubtedly, the single most important piece of this captivating psyop is the worldwide initiative to develop a vaccine that will supposedly serve as a prophylactic measure to contracting the coronavirus. Never has there been such a highly coordinated international effort to produce a vaccine in the wake of any previous epidemic or pandemic.


As always, the dangerously untrustworthy World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the global charge to develop a vaccine that is likely impossible to create within the stated time frames. What this really means is that Big Pharma has already secretly manufactured massive amounts of a so-called ‘Wuhan coronavirus vaccine’ (which treats the WHO-named COVID-19) that is ready to be injected worldwide, especially wherever the World Health Organization and Bill Gates have set up their countless vaccination centers in Third World countries. See: Bill Gates Accused Of Starting Ebola Outbreak In African Village By Putin


As always, the poorest and least educated nations will be victimized by this meticulously designed psyop. Something so HUGE as this Westerrn-manufactured coronavirus pandemic provides a unique opportunity for the reptiles at the very top of the food chain to conduct a mass casualty depopulation event the likes of which the world has never seen.


Every person on the planet needs to be aware that this represents only one component of this swiftly manifesting psyop. Surely, this NWO psychological operation will morph and mutate according to the reactions of each national populace on all 7 continents. Then, each [HARDWIRED] locale will be responded to by the authorities in a manner so that sufficient consent is manufactured in order to lock each place down … until the whole place is locked down.


Such draconian measures are already being taken in the rich, industrialized nations such as the United Kingdom. See: Look at how they’re locking down the UK because of the coronavirus!


Given these draconian developments worldwide, particularly with respect to unprecedented police powers being given to law enforcement everywhere, this staged pandemic has all the hallmarks of a classic “Problem~Reaction~Solution” black operation being run by the global intelligence community with the C.I.A., MOSSAD and MI6 taking their usual lead.


There is perhaps no more effective way to foist a totalitarian One World Government upon the world community of nations than to scare every inhabitant of planet Earth into demanding it. Of course, coronavirus fearmongering appears to be the path forward for the perps at peak of the world power pyramid, and now that they have started the giant snowball rolling down the hill toward global depop, there may be no stopping it. But, we wait and see how “deus ex machina” might prevail in this Shakespearean tragedy. Perhaps the perps will be found out and taken out.


Part 3

Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 1 p.m. No.8137664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7890





The preceding narrative is long and complicated, we know. The distillation of this very real multi-decade conspiracy as well as the unending associated scandals is this: that the military deployment of 5G worldwide is the central pillar of the NWO agenda which the globalists will not allow to be put in jeopardy or slowed down by popular protests. Hence, the globalists have conducted the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic scare as a means of misdirecting the medical investigators so that the coronavirus symptoms will instead be blamed for all 5G-induced medical ailments and health conditions. See CRITICAL DATA POINT: Wuhan established as Hubei’s first 5G demonstration zone


The worsening plight of the Chinese people has predictably created the context for yet another racially targeted vaccine to be administered first, to the Wuhan control group, and secondly, to the rest of China, and then, throughout the world-at-large. Not only are the medical authorities closely monitoring those who have submitted themselves to past vaccination schedules, they will soon be experimenting with the new series of coronavirus vaccines that specifically address 2019-nCoV.


The other two pillars of this complex depopulation event are chemcial geoengineering and industrial pollution. Not only has Wuhan suffered from a tremendous amount of air pollution due to the extraordinary concentration of industries in the greater metro area, the local population has been subjected to various formulations of chemtrail aerosols, each being sprayed with purposeful design.


While this broad analysis of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic psyop does not offer the detailed breakdown of the undeniable connections between the various aforementioned assaults on the citizenry, all of which mutually support the outworking of this odious black operation, those vital connections — between 5G, Coronavirus, Vaccines, Chemtrails & Pollution — ought to be obvious by now.

CAVEAT: Look out, folks, wherever and whenever they are rolling out 5G locally, spraying chemtrails regularly, fervently pushing vaccines right after the latest frankenvirus or exotic disease outbreak, and relentlessly fearmongering in the midst of it all.


Clearly, the most significant objectives of the coronavirus outbreak are to cover up the Chinese genocide and ensuing global depop, as well as to hide the pivotal link to 5G. Therefore, it’s imperative that all truth-seekers and patriots read the following exposé; our lives and the welfare of our families and friends greatly depend upon it. Also, circulating the many links in this analysis will serve considerably the enlightenment of the greater community around these life-threatening matters.


Part 4



Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8137689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7717 >>7868 >>7976 >>8159 >>8266

New York Activists Ambush Joe Biden With Coffin After His Fundraiser Event


Former US Vice President Joe Biden finished fourth in Iowa caucuses last week and secured fifth place in the New Hampshire primary. Despite declining in popularity, Biden continues to campaign, attracting additional donations for his 2020 presidential bid.


The Democratic candidate on Thursday hosted a fundraising event in New York to seek financial support from wealthy Wall Street donors. After his fundraiser, the former vice president encountered a mob from the New York Communities for Change organisation. The activists created an unpleasant mocking installation - a makeshift coffin. The incident was caught recorded for posterity.

Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.8137729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7743 >>7868 >>7976 >>8025 >>8159 >>8221 >>8266

Computer scientists develop an AI system that automatically rewrites outdated sentences in Wikipedia articles while 'maintaining a human tone'


AI system compares a Wikipedia sentence with new data in a 'claim' sentence

This pair is flagged as either agree, disagree or neutral by the algorithm

If it is considered to disagree then the false words or numbers are substituted


A computer system has been developed that scans through a Wikipedia article and locates, checks, and corrects any factual errors automatically.


This AI-powered system can keep sentences up to date and save human editors the hassle, while maintaining a human tone in the writing.


The technology was created at MIT and would allow for efficient and accurate updates to Wikipedia's 52 million articles.

Anonymous ID: 13e456 Feb. 14, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.8137757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7868 >>7976 >>8159 >>8266

Tesla RECALLS 15,000 Model X SUVs after discovering road salt corrodes parts that affect power-steering and could increase the risk of a crash


Tesla is recalling 15,000 SUVs in the US and Canada after issues with corrosion

Road salt affects bolts that support the Model X's power steering

The issue may increase the risk of a crash but hasn't been linked to accidents


Tesla is recalling 15,000 Model X SUVs after discovering that corrosion from road salt endangers the critical power-steering mechanism.


The issue can lead to a loss of power steering assist that could make steering harder and increase the risk of a crash according to according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


Specifically, the agency says aluminum bolts that attach the electric power steering gear assist motor to the gear housing may corrode and break causing a reduction or complete loss of power steering assist and affects some models built in 2016.


The recall covers 14,193 U.S. vehicles and 843 in Canada.