That is EXACTLY it.
They throw accusations around NON-STOP, but nothing to back those lies up.
I've been here since the very beginning. NEVER have I seen anyone make plans to harm people. The only time I ever have seen anyone post anything violent, It's never anything specific, and it's from a 1 post loser that gets 20 replies telling them to fuck off with that shit.
More than likely it's from a liberal nutjob trying to make this place look bad.
The stories out there about crazy people who are said to be "conspirators" of Q(lol) and have made plans to do whatever dumb thing they were arrested for, with other "Q members", I have NEVER seen anything like that here.
Anyone can say anything they fucking want. It doesn't make it true.
They never have proof of ANYTHING they say.
The only thing I've ever seen brought up as "proof" is that FAKE AF FBI "bulletin" that Yahoo news claimed they were given from a local FBI office that said Q was labeled as dangerous etc.
Only retards would think that is real.
It used fucking SNOPES.COM as a reference ffs! Along with Wikipedia.
Show me any other FBI report that uses those. You can't.
But Media Matters beats people over the head with their lies. This Travis circus cunt is doing it too. I hope there is a list somewhere