Anonymous ID: 4dc4d6 Feb. 14, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.8139390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9424 >>9509 >>9514 >>9522 >>9539 >>9547 >>9548 >>9554 >>9555 >>9577 >>9602 >>9684 >>9728 >>9742

so the new thing is to trigger alchoholics?

I mean they like to trigger the porn mongers, and they like to trigger the pot smokers and they like to trigger the ethnic partisans . . . but it really brings it down. It makes it seem like the place is controlled by evil people who don't give a shit about others.

sorry jsut how I see it.

Keep your alchohol and pot and porn fetishes, and your 'we are themost important group' dealeos out of here . ..


ok so you can all stop posting alchohol and start attacking me.

Anonymous ID: 4dc4d6 Feb. 14, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.8139557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9568 >>9687


get to find out whose real here really quick.


listen so is bread 10416 going to be a 350 post bread and forgotten?

what happened this afternoon with the catalog?

that's still broke I think.


I thought the head fake for McCabe was awesome.

Anonymous ID: 4dc4d6 Feb. 14, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.8139717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9800 >>9873


how is it shilling?

I'm being friendly with everyone?

I just figured that there were too many of it, not that the enthusiasts should do it for a post or so, for a while.

people forget that alcholism is a very serious and debilitating moral and social disease that destroys people.


that's all.


free speech says that you deal with a back-at-you when you make a statement.

showing drunk guys drinking like it's Dean Martin Frog, I get that, it's humor.

I get it.


so now you know the other side of how that comes off. you get to here me express my point of view, in avery quick and deliberate shit post way, and I engaged somany people.

so enjoy the commraderee.


I'm not out to censor or control anyone but people do need to learn to control themselves.

and that only happens when people understand the real issues in what they post and what they say.


get it?

free speech is very important.


PS: censoring means that I'd take control of the means of publishing and prohibit speach that I disapprove of. What you suggest is that a healthy blowback of an alternative, which is what a free speech board is for, is never allowed. In the spirit of the idea of 'drink up at the free speech bar' then aren't you the one who is trying to do what you say that I'm doing.


listen, I might be being a good natured scold, but I'm not being a censor, or even attempting it.

Anonymous ID: 4dc4d6 Feb. 14, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.8139839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9870 >>9873


you, anon, are a label-maker

you have a tape in you

someone pushes your buttons and you make a label and you stick it on someone.

the label is always incorrect, cause you never get to know your victims.

and if the label identifies them wrongly, you don't care, you move on. you do your next hatchet attack on someone random, who dares to speak truculently and call out the rough housing and say 'settle down in there' not to be a bad person but to say 'respect others.'


and listen, in a free speech bread you dare tell me to leave when all I did was to say 'be aware that this is a trigger'.


When ever I see that font I kind of know who it might be. If that's you, then do something better with your time than hounding me.